Sunday, April 23, 2017

The "Craziness" of Waking Up

All humanity could share a common insanity and be immersed in a common illusion while living in a common chaos. That can't be disproved, but we have no choice but to follow our senses.
Isaac Asimov (20th century biochemist and science fiction writer)

Judging spirituality as woo-woo Nonsense or mental illness?

I have often said that I know what I write about here will not appeal to many.  Some would judge it as "woo-woo nonsense" and me as a "nutcase" or  use some other stigma-producing and less than politically correct adjective to describe those who suffer from  mental illness with.

What a Professional Might See

I am sure a psychiatrist (if he wasn't Jungian lol) would read my entries with a bit of concern. 

My reference to the ego and the observer as separate contrary minded parts that exists within me could make it appear that I am disassociating (which occurs with "spilt personalities") and separating myself from my personality and body ( ego) could appear that I am depersonalizing (which is seen in affective disorders and in psychosis). 

Yeah...there may be concern.

 My attempts to emotionally get beyond the situations that life presents may be viewed as reliance on the unhealthy defense mechanisms of  denial, suppression and repression. 

My reference to the spiritual truth and "who we really are" may be viewed as delusion and religious preoccupation ( even though  no actual religion preference  is referred to).

A psychiatrist may be concerned by  my writing. It is true...others may see me as crazier than a bag of hammers.  I can live with that lol.

The Truth

Truth is, I do not think I have ever been healthier mentally or emotionally, only because I am rediscovering the inflexible and constant  health of spirit.

 By going beyond mind, emotion and  body to that space...everything finds its rightful place. 

How I appear on the outside means less and less to me.  How I am on the inside, means everything.

So though my waking up may seem to others as a step toward mental illness ... to me... it is a giant leap toward healing and recovery, both the personal and the universal kind.  Hmmm! 
It is all so very good.

All is well in my world.

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