There is great joy in having nothing to lose.
Thich Naht Hanh
Letting Go seemed to be the main topic that I grasped today in my listening to the words of others much wiser than this thing I call "me'. I listened to the same four I listened to yesterday in different videos at least address this idea : Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh and The Mindful Movement.
Watts talked about the need to release this entire idea of "self" and by doing so we give up this strange notion and effort of transforming ourselves. He said attempting to transform ourselves is like trying to lift ourselves up into the air by pulling on our own boot straps. Requiring so much effort getting us nowhere. If we would only let go of all this wasted effort, these false ideas we have of self and what self needs to do and just instead...stop and it, watch nature , just watch what is happening in us and around us without judging, labeling, making distinctions about what is "bad, wrong, shouldn't be" ...our nature will begin to take care of itself. Why? Because when we let go, we simply get out of the way of a very natural and effortless flow.
Eckhart Tolle spoke of the idea of letting go of the need for will and effort in order to reach a higher level of being. He spoke of the need for "relaxed alertness" and "gentle surrender" instead of trying to "force" ourselves into the present moment....which is an oxymoron in itself. This reminded me, as I was listening, of the Taoist philosophy of "effortless action", of flowing like water".
Then as I was meditating to another guided meditation from The Mindful Movement , that came up for my consideration, I was encouraged to let go of the things within me that no longer serve: my negativity, this knot of restlessness and worry in my core, my past etc.
Finally, listening to Thich Nhat Hanh, I was reminded of the importance of "releasing our cows", of letting go of our attachments, to those things we erroneously believe are necessary for our happiness. We need to see that they are in fact obstacles to our peace and joy. One of the biggest cows we have to release and let go of is the idea of happiness we hold onto based on the "if only " and the "when" of obtaining and clinging to certain things or circumstances. If only I could get that publication, then I will be happy" or " I will only be happy if I can hang onto this level of success and financial stability. " "I will be happy when I find my soul mate...."When I can find a way to make my soul mate stay and never want to leave, then I will be happy. "
A few entries ago I wrote about the cows I lost and the cows I am still clinging to. There was a time in my life, where getting a clear and other-acceptable medical diagnosis for my condition and therefore the treatment and support needed was a cow I desperately chased after. Man, was it a cow that didn't want to get caught lol. I chased it and chased it and chased it from one pasture to another. It was always so close...I could see it but it was never meant to be caught. It was never mine to own, I guess.
I probably would have left that cow alone a lot sooner if it wasn't for the fact that it was a lead cow. All the cows I seemed to have in my life wanted to follow it. The cows I clung to and thought I needed to stay happy and well: a certain financial security, a level of health and fitness I cherished, a recognized and reputed social role, a sense of purpose, the things this brought my children and self, a certain dignity and independence...just seemed to take off after this other cow I could never catch. Before long I was like the farmer lost and desperately seeking cows I thought were mine. It took me a long time to realize that I was much better off without these cows...that they were actually obstacles in my Life preventing me from seeing what was beyond them. When I released them and let them go...I felt tremendous peace and freedom. It wasn't so much the cows themselves that were the problem, I realized. It was my attachment to them...this idea I had that I needed them to be happy. My spiritual growth sky rocketed upon that realization.Hmm!
There is truly joy in having nothing to lose.
Anyway, letting go of our clinging, striving, our ideas of "me", all that which does not serve the greater Self and therefore the greater good, is a necessary thing for our growth and liberation. Gently surrendering to "what is" is always the best option.
All is well.
Eckhart Tolle (April 28, 2022 ) Does Will power Play a Part in Awakening.
Thich Nhat Hanh/Awakened Nature (August, 2016) Thich Nhat Hanh Teaches About Letting Go
Alan Watts/ Motivation Core (Jan, 2022) Alan Watt's Eye Opening Speech-Unexpected Truth.
The Mindful Movement (September, 2016) 20 Minute Guided Meditation Letting Go of Negativity to Unlock Your Full potential
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