Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Forgiveness and Love in a Dancing Heart

 The heart that dances is the innocent heart. The one that cannot laugh is burdened. It is the dancing heart that is harmless. 

Gary Zukav

Besides clarity and humility, the other two characteristics of an awakening human being (what Zukav refers to as the "multi-sensory personality") are the ability to forgive and the ability to Love. 

Forgiveness is not a moral issue.  It is an energy dynamic. ...forgiveness means you do not carry the baggage of an experience. do not hold others responsible for your experience....When you forgive you release critical judgment of yourself and others. You lighten up.

An authentically empowered person lives in love. Love is the energy of the soul.  Love is what heals  the personality.  There is nothing that cannot be healed by love.  There is nothing but love. 

Love does more than bring peace where there is conflict.  It brings a different way of being in the world. It brings harmony and an active interest in the well-being of others.  It brings concern and care.  It brings Light. It washes away the concerns of the personality.  In the Light of love there is only love. 

From Chapter 15, Power

Gary Zukav ( 1989/2014) The Seat of the Soul. New York: Simon and Schuster

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