Friday, July 10, 2020

Sunflowers -First Draft


I think of sunflowers,
bending gracefully in the breeze,
their big beautiful heads
vibrant and reassuring
offered up
so cheerfully
to the fluttering
and humming Life
 that passes by.

I think of the large strong stalks
that hold them up
so easily
and through which
their Life force flows.
I see their broad leafs
in my mind's eye...
extended outwardly,
ceaselessly asking
for more and more
of what is needed to
allow their big giant flowers
to flourish and grow,
with  shameless gratitude
nature's ever giving

I imagine the roots,
I can not see,
extended deep below
the top soil
stretching and reaching out,
trusting without sight,
latching on  
to  mother' earths
mammary glands
and nursing freely from
 the loving  Source
of all that is.

I find comfort in this image.
I find myself relaxing
and letting go
into the breeze of my own
little existence,
supported and fed by this body
that holds me upright,
reaching out and asking
for what is needed
to sustain me,
feeling but getting past
my shame of needing;
and slowly,
ever so slowly learning
to appreciate all that
lands on my
outstretched appendages,
transforming it
into what will help me grow
and expand  up into the sky.

Though I can not yet
see my own roots,
I imagine them there
and reaching out
to the Source of everything.
I let go and do my best
to trust that
this connection
will sustain me.
Like the sunflowers,
I am free.

© Dale-Lyn (Pen) July, 2020

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