Thursday, July 30, 2020

Looking, waiting, judging not

Out of the chaos, the future emerges in harmony and beauty.
-Emma Goldman (political anarchist and writer of the early 1900's).

I opened the door to my kitchen today and stood on the sill, closed my eyes and listened.  It was raining...hard...a glorious downfall of percussion on a thirsty earth.  Man...I love that sound.

Once again, I was reminded how wonderful it was to experience all The world did not look threatening even with the dark cloud looked perfectly harmonious in its stormy chaos.

 I was reminded of my writing the other day about this experience of a storm brewing in seemed like synchronicity again to stand where I was standing experiencing  a storm on the outside while one was brewing on the inside.  It gave me hope reminding me of the healing, rejuvenating cleansing such a storm provides.  And then  when I sat down, opened up YouTube for my talk of the day ... there was Eckhart Tolle talking about order and chaos...the first video that shows up. Lovely serendipity. was refreshing to be reminded that whatever is about to take place in me, and arise in me that feels like a restless storm about to brew, has a purpose like this storm does. What seems chaotic is actually order at the highest level creating harmony in the long run.

We do not have to fear the world,  others, circumstances for seemingly pouring disorder into our lives.  We can stand by, like I did this morning, and simply do as forgiveness does look, wait and judge not as chaos reveals itself as perfect divine harmony.

All is well

Eckhart Tolle (April, 2020 ) The Hidden Harmony Beyond Order and Chaos.

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