-Oprah Winfrey
I woke up yesterday morning and had this deep, in the gut, compulsion to do a video. I wasn't sure why; wasn't sure what I would say or do; wasn't sure who I would address it to...I just had this compulsion to reach out to someone somewhere from that deeper place within me.
Ego was nasty, as it often is when I have these notions to step up and speak out ...to expose myself in anyway that threatens it. It gets embarrassed and attempts to shame me into submission with things like, "Are you crazy? Well they are going to think you are crazy...Who do you think you are, anyway? As if you have anything "wise" to share when you are as mixed up as you obviously are? You are really going to do that...write that, perform that, say that , create that...for other people to see???? Come on, crazy lady, get a grip."
I hear ego and some of it really seeps in...but I follow that pull in my gut and I do it anyway. I am here , aren't I? Though ego perks up on days I have a fairly large readership or positive comments, for the most part it resists most of the things I do these days . Yet, even with that resistance is this deeper feeling that I should just be as open and as honest as I can be...to let whatever this is that is pushing me here to do Its thing...not necessarily 'my' thing. Crazy, I know. But here I am.
So I put this on my yoga page and I put it here. Imperfect and real, it simply is.
All is well!
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