If you're not getting older, your dead.
Tom Petty
I turn 57 today. When I say "57" out loud it leaves a strange taste in my mouth. 57 seems so old but I am not old lol.
My body may have weathered 57 winters and 57 summers, changing and morphing accordingly but I haven't . My body may be getting closer to the grave but I am not.
My mind has also weathered seasons and situations, changing and evolving but I haven't. Who I am, I now feel more so than know, is eternal and changeless as it peers out through these two sockets on my head and uses this tool of a mind to get about. I am as I always was. Hmmm!
As I realize that truth, I don't look on this particular birthday as anything to celebrate or to mourn. It is a date, a marker of my surviving another 365 amazing, miraculous days on this planet, in this form, using this mind. There is nothing personal or special about it! There is a lot to appreciate every day, every moment by everyone.
That being said, I found myself over the course of the last week feeling sad and "stressed". There is a restlessness in me today that is preventing me, at the moment, from sitting with my feelings. Of course, I need to sit with the restlessness and make peace with that first but isn't that an oxymoron in itself? I will figure it out lol.
Without having to look too deeply, I have an idea what it is stemming from . Physically...sleep dep is slowly starting to wrap its tentacles around my day. I am not complaining or resisting that. It is what it is. I can honestly say...so far...my transitional symptoms are not as life altering as I was told they would be. But yes...I wake up several times a night in a sweat and I seem to be dreaming more than usual. Quality of sleep is definitely altered.
My dreams are talking loudly to me though and showing me what the issues are. I am dreaming about repressed trauma, things I barely remembered or never really dealt with. This physical change and the spiritual/psychological one I am presently going through is leading to an unpeeling of many protective layers of wrapping around this changeless, eternal Self. Memories and repressed pain is being exposed and that is not a bad thing. There is an opening there for this trauma to be recognized, and expressed so that I can peel back the layer it exists on, to expose more and more of who I really am. I am getting there.
I am restless right now because ego mind is telling me to do what it always tells me to do when I feel the un-ease or dis-ease of resurfacing emotions: "Run!" (run or numb, or avoid, escape, hide, stuff, push away) and I am not going to do that. :) I will sit and deal with whatever comes up as it comes up...
and it starts with recognizing, allowing and embracing that restlessness in a self loving and nurturing way.
It is all so very good.
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