Saturday, April 22, 2023


 I walk along the endless beach that suddenly has no shore.

I taste the wine right from the grape until I can drink no more.

I melt into the sunlight that pours down upon my skin

I become the very ocean that I am floating in

I feel myself merging with the world that I see

and with each breath I take, it becomes a part of me.

I am the pain of suffering beings that I have never met

I am the freeing laughter  behind each tiny  heart's   regret.

My own heart  grows with every soul that makes it through the night;

and I rejoice in  the joy of many others as they awaken to the light.

I realize, I am much more than this witness that  sees and loves  it all.

I am the very essence of the One. I am everything. I am all. 

Dale-Lyn, April, 2023

I woke up with the first two lines in my head and it was like "Wow! You gotta go write those down before you forget them."  Was not quite sure what they were about, except maybe merging into Oneness....but  I obeyed that little voice and came out here at 330 in the morning to jot them down.  Crazy! Then as I sat down to look at them in the morning light, it was like What The Fork? 

 I find myself trying to "do" something with them...create something from them and it doesn't feel like it did when I first jotted those words down.  It feels forced with a need to rhyme...jarring, with poor sentence structure.  It was as if  Martha was in charge of that lol. She shoved some lines in there just to get the rhyme and it shows. (Highlighted those) Anyway...not great.  Far from it. Mary is a much better poet but she doesn't mind if Martha's interference makes a choppy poem.  She doesn't care what people think as long as the message is good. Well Martha will probs be back later to fix it up...she cares what others think too much to leave it at that. 

All good. 

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