I Corinthians 13:9-10; 12 (Good News Bible)
Hmmm! It was Valentine's yesterday and I was thinking about love. I was thinking of Love as being who we are as mentioned in lesson 67. Then I was wondering what it actually is beyond this fairy tale idea of it we ascribe to as a culture. I know Love is so much more than a quick conditional fix we get from being with another in hope they will fill us up. True Love goes way beyond this image we have of Love.
What we think we know about Love, about life, about being human and about God is so limited. We are only partially and dimly seeing our selves and the world when we look through these eyes on our head. When what is perfect comes...however...we will see clearly and our knowledge will be complete.
What is this perfect thing we wait for?
A Course calls it the "Holy Instant". It is that moment we reach the Heaven that is within us. "The kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen. No one will say, 'Look here it is!' or 'There it is!'; because the Kingdom of God is within you." ( Luke 17:20-21; Good News Bible).
This is what waking up is, what enlightenment, true understanding through connection with our Source is. It is remembering who we are and an opening up to the truth.
When we see through the eyes of what ACIM refers to as the Holy Spirit ...we connect to Self and see clearly. All the illusions of the world and of others and of "little me" disappear and we will know completely. Love is not just a feeling. We are Love. Love is eternal. Love is perfect!
I was reminded of this passage in Corinthians :
Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love
is never boastful or conceited;
it is never rude or selfish; it does not take
offense, and it is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins
and delights in the truth;
it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope; and
to endure whatever comes.
I Corinthians 13:4-7 9 (Jerusalem Bible)
This is what we seek as we evolve into the beings we are here to be; the beings we already are but forget we are:
When we can get to the point in our lives we respond to the world as Love all our fearful illusions will disappear. We will then find true peace and happiness in doing what God intends for us to do.
Like Love, we are to be patient and kind to all beings including ourselves.
We find no reason to be jealous or arrogant. Rudeness and selfishness are not issues for the evolving Self because we see ourselves in all.
We do not collect or hold onto grievances when we see through Love's vision. Anger and resentment is not necessary because Love sees beyond the surface layer of human behaviour to the essence of Love in all things. It sees Itself...and not as a dim image in a mirror but face to face with what is real.
In its peaceful acceptance of things as being what they are we, as Love, are set free from our suffering. We are complete.
All is well!
ACIM (2007) A Course in Miracles:Combined Volume; Workbook-Lessons 61-70. Foundations For Inner Peace.
Letters from Paul to the Corinthians. Versions: Good News Bible and Jerusalem Bible)
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