Obey the impulse....Stay open...Be the vehicle ready for the process to flow into....knowing that it isn't yours...let the energy flow through you, let it out.
Eckhart Tolle...paraphrased from a collection of words he shared in the below videos.
I started this entry yesterday and I was all keen to write about creativity and the thrill of being divinely inspired before I got my head space into something that was tugging at me a bit more. What led me to that inspiration was watching a movie about a young boy who reported he went to heaven
In that movie a young artist named Akiane was mentioned who also supposedly had a connection with the divine through dreams and images. She even reports that she went to Heaven one day and thus was divinely inspired to create the most amazing art. I looked her up on You tube...was blown away by her artistic ability, even at the age of four, and throughout her life. It is "beyond human". There is obviously Something greater than her behind those brush strokes.
I thought of other geniuses like Mozart, Einstein, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Milton to name a few. I became convinced of divine inspiration.
So my inspiration came from a movie and this very interesting topic of NDE...(which by the way led me to begin reading Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander III and Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani.)
The Poem
I had written the poem below, the day before, in a fifteen minute rush of something from within. I am not saying it was channelled or inspired. I am not saying it was spirit rather than ego that brought me to the page and made me pour out my outer and inner world experience . I am not saying the poem is good or bad, something to be proud of or something to be ashamed of.
It simply is what is... born of something or Something I quite don't understand. I questioned: Is this ego or divine?
The Human in Creativity
Of course, the subject matter wreaks of ego...fear ...and I wonder why would creativity, something greater than ego, reduce itself to an expression of such an experience.
Maybe because it is a human experience, something we all can relate to, therefore connecting rather than separating? It is honest, as embarrassing as it is to be that honest. That is how I feel when the phone rings when I know the call has something to do with getting me closer to an answer. I still find myself stuck in fear whether it is rational or irrational to be so. The poem shows how "not quite evolved" I am. It also shows how aware I am...how connected I am to this experience of being human, how vivid each moment is for me.
Divinely Inspired?
I was just sitting on the couch, hours after the phone call, remembering how afraid I was to pick up that phone and the thought popped into my mind, "Poem". I got up, walked to the computer, sat down and began to write about that emotional experience I had. It did not come out rhyming so I automatically thought this is "little me" doing something uninspired...but the more the images took form with little effort from me...the more I thought "Wow! Maybe this is divinely inspired! Something is helping me here." I obeyed the impulse and I let it happen.
Regardless of how that poem got on the page, why it did or how awful it may sound to someone else...it was meant to be. It was an energy I needed to let in and then let out.
Letting The Energy Flow Through
When we don't let this energy in, allow it to flow though us and eventually let it out ...we suffer. It stays on the outside of us pounding on our flesh until we let it in or it gets stuck inside of us when we refuse to let it out, damaging our outer and inner walls.
I believe that is why the body "gets sick". ( or we perceive the body to get sick) . Maybe I have resisted creativity too many times when it came knocking at my door with a message it wanted me to share...or maybe when I did let it in, I refused to let it out. It was ego mind that refused to open the door in fear of the stranger, revealing our association to a judging world if I let it out. I did not honor the nature of this flow. I closed the windows to it and on it.
Like a breeze, creativity needs a way in and a way out. We need to keep our windows open.
We also have to know it is not ours. I cannot call the breeze that blows through my house "mine". It is just an energy belonging to Something Greater than me. I let it in and I let it out...in that way it flows through me not against me.
Stay open!
All is well.
Eckhart Tolle ( Aug, 2018) How to Be Creative.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-whVSGbDeAA
Eckhart Tolle ( Oct, 2019) Do I own my idea? The nature of creative manifestation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-whVSGbDeAA
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