Monday, February 10, 2020



Diminished! Diminished!
The  wind calls out as it passes by,
tugging at my weathered bark,
urging me to cry: 
I was once  a flowery beacon,
for all the world to stop and praise 
but I lost all my precious blossoms
to the weather's   wicked ways.

The fruit  my limbs  once proudly bore,
thinking it was mine,
was swept away by greedy hands
for someone else's wine.

Leaves that danced in lively costume
against an Autumn sky,
have crinkled up, have fallen
and have so sadly  died.

My arms now bare and empty
reach up into the atmosphere
and as a  ghostly form of less than
my silhouette will so appear.

Diminished! Diminished !
The wind calls out as it passes by,
tugging at my weathered bark,
urging me to cry:

I  will  no longer cry out my wrath or
my need to make it right.
I  will just bow my weary head
and exhale remaining fight.

What I had  is gone now.
I stand in my new pathetic  form.
Naked, exposed and all alone
I am vulnerable to the storm.

Yet as the earth below me chills
and freezes with the frost,
I feel my roots open within the ground
and know that I was never lost.

Diminished! Diminished !
The wind calls out as it passes by,
tugging at my weathered bark,
urging me to cry:

There is a being  within me there
coursing through the veins,
opening up to allow what simply is
to free me from my chains.

This Life travels up into my trunk
and to the very tips of what I knew,
replacing the  surface illusion
with what is surely true.
 "I am." My branches cry out with joy as
I bend  to Life's  true song.
"It is as it is", the wind calls back
and it happily sings along .

Diminished?  Diminished?...
It may appear to the eye that does not see
but  the Self within me knows,
that loss has set me free.

Dale-Lyn , February 2020

This is an ugh!!!! poem and my belly is twisting.  I was listening to my man, Eckhart Tolle again and was inspired to write this.  It was a big urge ...but was a lot of "ugh!!" lol.  Why does it come out rhyming lol?  Oh well this is what ego might not be happy and that is all the more reason to leave it here.  :)

I may come back to it at some point either to remove it or fix it up.  In the meantime, we will let ego squirm a bit.  :)

All is well!

Eckhart Tolle (Feb, 2020) Ego 2019: Where Presence Deepens.

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