Friday, February 7, 2020

Adjusting to the Light

Eyes become used to darkness, and the light of brilliant day seems painful to the eyes grown long accustomed to the dim effects perceived at twilight. And they turn away from sunlight and the clarity it brings to what they look upon.

Sometimes we stay stuck in our old ways of seeing the world which is a result of our conditioned thinking because it is easier.  Facing a different, unfamiliar truth can actually be painful because it takes us out of our comfort zones.  We may resist the light even if it frees us from darkness, from suffering.

The Allegory of the Cave

This reminds me of  Plato's Allegory in  the   Republic.  Socrates tells the story of how the  images slaves viewed on a dimly fire lit  cave wall  became their reality. If freed from the cave the slave might run out into daylight only to become extremely afraid of the light he had never known.  It would hurt his eyes and he might even run back into the prison to escape this painful, unfamiliar thing. If he were to be dragged forcibly up a hill to face the sun...not only would he angrily resist being  forced to endure pain from the unfamiliar light in his eyes...the sun could actually blind him.

Fear of Leaving the Comfort Zone

So when we are conditioned to see a certain way, believe a certain thing from our past teachers be they parents, friends, enemies,  actual educators  or experiences we adjust and accommodate to a certain way of perceiving and understanding life.  Our world view  becomes comfortable and familiar, even if it causes suffering and a sense of being imprisoned in it. Even if we are only able to see dim shadows of truth we will often settle into our familiar  belief systems, our perceptions and call it "reality".

If we are offered another version, possibly a clearer brighter version that could free us we may resist it , look away from it and retreat back into our habitual minds where we find a certain familiarity and comfort.  It is too painful sometimes to look at what we do not understand. And if we are forced into that learning it may be too much for our human minds to undertake. It may blind us, preventing us from seeing anything clearly.

Back to the Lessons

So as those first fifty lessons in ACIM teaches...we are often seeing and perceiving a fearful, dangerous world from a limited imprisoned mind.  What we look upon in this view is only shadows of reality and not reality.  Many of us are afraid to look out upon the truth even if it is  beautiful, bright and clear, even if it frees us from suffering.  Every time we step away from what is familiar it causes discomfort to the "little me", the "ego". We are then encouraged by that part of our mind to retreat back into the shadows even if it means a life of being stuck in these crazy monkey minds. We are often willing to accept darkness, suffering, imprisonment over the temporary pain of adjusting to truth.

We can Adjust

The pain that comes from learning is temporary.  If we are introduced(re-introduced) to light, clarity, clear vision gradually and without force we can eventually be freed of our conditioned minds.  Learning can not be forced upon us...true...we need to be ready for it... but learning to see differently can save us and the world. This learning is the waking up process I and so many others often speak of.

We all have our established belief systems be they religious, political, social, collective or personal.  We often adhere to these belief systems because they help us to define who we think we are.  We will also often  fearfully resist other belief systems sometimes to the point of vengeance. This leads to separation, defense and attack which then leads to all kinds of unnecessary suffering inflicted on and received by the world around us.  All because we are choosing to see this way, to stay imprisoned in our conditioned minds and to think and see according to that.  All this when there is a bright, beautiful sun lit and peaceful  world outside our mental caves waiting to receive us. We can always choose that rather than being stuck in the cave.

I am still squinting

I am not hear to push you outside or to drag you up any hill.  I am not here to force any belief on you. beliefs are all over the place now as I learn. I am not sure what I believe anymore as I question. 

All I can do is unshackle myself from the familiar chains that imprison me, gingerly step out side...squint and half cover my eyes until I can open them enough to see clearly all that is around me. I can only question my own imprisonment and seek to free myself by opening my mind to another possibility of seeing before I am even able to open my eyes fully to the light of truth.

It is a process and it all starts with being willing to question if these shadow images we look upon are really all there is.

All is well in my world.

Note: the spell check is not working on this site. Excuse any remaining typos I may have missed. :)

ACIM ( 2007) A Course in Miracles Combined Volume.  Workbook, Lesson 41-50 and Text-Chapter 25.  Foundations for Inner Peace

Plato (2000) The Republic. Dover Thrift Editions

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