Friday, February 14, 2020

Beyond the Self Concept You Have Made

"I am the light of the world" merely a statement of the truth about yourself.  It is the opposite of a statement of pride, of arrogance, or self-deception. It does not describe the self-concept you have made...It simply states the truth.

I am reflecting on an experience I had the other day where I realized later how much I have actually evolved. It was kind of cool to realize that. 

I had gone in for my MRI appointment and was taken to a nurse who was going to put the IV in. She didn't know me so she didn't know I was once known as a nurse or nurse educator.  She skillfully went about her business putting the IV in and doing all the "nursey" things I have always taught were important, like explaining, showing empathy and compassion for the person's experience and offering a warm blanket which is kind of  like a hug in a cold environment.

I sat there, before her as a person...barely remembering that I once identified as a nurse. I had absolutely no desire  or any need to assume or share that I was. It was just so unimportant.  I was who I truly was in that moment, a tree seemingly stripped down of all surface definition but more vibrant, more alive and more real because of it. I was rooted into something so much deeper than a role or an image. I was  there in that moment, egoless...offering some form of light I couldn't understand!!  I didn't judge her. I didn't judge myself.  I didn't care if she judged me. 

It was such an amazing experience...for me anyway.  It only lasted a few minutes lol but it was cool to know we can get to this point.

All is well.

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