Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Lesson 41-50: Wherever You Go

You can never be deprived of your perfect holiness because its Source goes with you wherever you go.  You can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with you wherever you go.  You can never be alone because the source of all life goes with you wherever you go.  Nothing can destroy your peace of mind because God goes with you wherever you go.
ACIM-W-41: 4:1-4

Not Separated From Source

Wow!  If we all knew the truth of the above statement there would be a lot less suffering, a lot less depression, anxiety, loneliness and the tragic results of such suffering in the world, wouldn't there be?

 As Lesson 41 teaches, the reason why there is so much of this suffering in the world is because  we mistakenly feel separated from the one thing that can save us ( without knowing we feel this way).  The thing is... we are not separated. The mind just convinces us we are alone in this big scary world.  We aren't separated and we cannot be...

We are ripples and rays which are not only parts of something greater but are it. We are all parts of this One consciousness and cannot be separated from it or from each other because of that.

This lesson echoes the teachings of  Yoga and of  the Noble Truths of Buddhism.  Yes... there is suffering but only because of what our minds are doing. The cause of suffering is in our minds and the solution is there too.

Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world.  It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of allegiance to them. ACIM-W-41:3:1-2

So in this lesson, we are guided to remember the truth and to reach out to God with God goes with me wherever I go,as we meditate quietly for five minutes in the morning. and remind ourselves of this truth throughout the day.

Strength and Vision

In Lesson 42, we are reminded that God is my strength.  Vision is His Gift. We are asked to repeat this idea very slowly to ourselves two times a day for about five minutes each time.  We begin my looking around with eyes open and then closing our eyes, while we randomly think of thoughts that relate to this idea. We are to just let the thoughts come without actively trying to think them just allow whatever learning that is there come into our minds.

Beyond The Eyes' Perception

In the next lesson, the distinction between perception and true knowing is made.  Perception is of the human mind, not of God.  It has no function in God and therefore really does not exist.  Yet it  is what the ego uses as we maneuver around this world of form. 

It is with perception that we separate ourselves from God in a sense, with bodily borders we are made aware of by our five senses. We think we, in these minute little forms, are seeing, hearing, smelling etc  separately from all else...when in reality what we see with our eyes, which is merely a perception of the body,  is not real seeing. Because we cannot see apart from God we cannot really see. 

We are asked to look about our environment  three times this day...God is my Source.  I cannot see this_____apart from we allow our eyes to fall indiscriminately on whatever they fall on.  Then we close our eyes and with this idea in mind we allow whatever relevant thoughts related to this to come into mind as we imagine how God would view the world.  For example we may think, I see the world as blessed. (Lesson 43)

Light Within

In Lesson 44 we are asked to remember that light is within us, not without.  We really do all our seeing inside.  The mechanisms that processes light so we see visual images takes place within the body,  but more importantly, God is the light in which I see. Because light and life must go together and we cannot create light this exercise attempts to train us to reach the light.  The training involves standing aside from the ego and meditating three times this day for five minutes.  We are to simply sit with eyes opened then closed observing passing thoughts.

Real Thoughts

In the next lesson, we go a little deeper into the process of getting beyond our thinking to what is real.  We are reminded that nothing that we think we see resembles real vision...what the Mind of God would see.

Through three five minute meditation practises, we are asked to try to  reach our real thoughts. My real thoughts are in my mind.  I would like to find them. Beneath all the mental clutter or what Patanjali referred to as mental modifications are the real thoughts we think with God.  All other thinking is unreal and unnecessary and that which gets in the way of our peace. 

We are asked to approach this practice  in a sacred way honoring the holy place we are trying to reach.  We are seeking to reach the Kingdom of Heaven within that exists in our minds. We are also asked to appreciate our mind's holiness and the Thoughts God is thinking with us. (Lesson 45)

A Practice of Forgiveness

Lesson 46 is a practice of forgiveness. In order for there to be a need for forgiveness there must be some form of condemnation. Condemnation is a product of fear and therefore isn't real. God does not forgive, according to ACIM, because He has never condemned and sees fear as an illusion. Forgiveness simply frees us from our illusions. Those who forgive are thus releasing themselves from illusions, while those who withhold forgiveness are binding themselves to them. ( ACIM-W-46:1:4)

 Though God does not forgive, his love is the basis of forgiveness because only love can forgive. 

The practice involves three, five minute sessions of closing our eyes and searching for people we have not forgiven.  It could be for small things like forgetting our birthdays or for larger things like betraying us in some way. 

And it is an all or none type of thing. We have either forgiven them entirely or not at all.  We are asked to repeat. God is the Love in which I forgive you ( name),as we think of each person. 
Then we are asked to forgive ourselves in the same way. 

We then try to allow related thoughts around the central idea to come to mind.  These thoughts may include things like, God is the love in which I am blessed or No fear is possible in the mind beloved of God.

Trusting God's Strength Over Our Own

Many of us erroneously trust in our strength and fruitlessly attempt to predict, control and fix our environments so we feel safe. No wonder why we feel fear, anxiety, depression , anger and sorrow as we deal with the circumstances of our lives.  

We need to see that we are frail and weak as ego identities so we can realize that God is our safety in every circumstance. God is the strength in which I trust. We are asked to meditate on this truth four times this day for five minutes each. (Lesson 47)

Nothing To Fear

Lesson 48 is easy.  We just need to repeat this fact, There is nothing to fear, as often as possible throughout the day. The presence of fear,it is said, is a sure sign that we are trusting in our strength and not remembering God.

Going Deeper to the Part that Listens

Parts of our minds' listen to God.  The part that listens is below the habitual mind the ego uses to keep us away from God.  It is below the distracted, busy, chattering and disorganized part of our minds.

  The part that listens to the Voice of God is always  still, peaceful is the essence Eckhart Tolle speaks about and really is the only part there is. We are asked in Lesson 49 not to listen to the crazy parts of our minds for four five minutes sessions through out the day and to see if we can tap into the stillness and peaceful mind that lies beneath the chatter, in the depth of who we are. God's Voice speaks to me all throughout the day.

The Love of God Sustains

The answer to all our so called problems is knowing, I am sustained by the Love of God. We too often believe we are sustained by ego things like money, pills, recognition, success, the right people etc but theses things do not protect us or get us through trying circumstances peacefully.  The only thing that can do that is the Love of God.  The Love of God can take us to a state of peace that nothing can threaten And this is the answer to handling whatever we come across. In two ten minute sessions we are asked to repeat and think about this truth. ( Lesson 50)

That brings me to these words at the core of ACIM's introduction:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists
Herein Lies the Peace of God
All is well.
A Course in Miracles. Workbook Lessons 41-50. Foundations For Inner Peace

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