Sunday, February 16, 2020

Willing to Have It So

Be willing to have it so.  Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences to any misfortune.
William James

I take James' advice a step further and change that word "misfortune" to 'Life Event'.  'Misfortune' is a judgment, a label that implies something to the mind that is negative.  We do not need to make those judgments and place those "good" or "bad" labels on our experiences. They simply are.

There is a lot going on around me in the form of new and surprising life events. I got told some news yesterday ( no not about my own body situation) that two years ago would have thrown me in a tizzy.  I just responded, "It is what it is. It is neither good or bad. We need to accept all that Life gives us, see it as a gift and live it."  I hugged my loved one  and went on with my day.

I am literally in a position of looking out about me as a quiet accepting, observer.  I wonder, more in curious amazement than with apprehension, what Life is going to show me next.  Wow! I really have come quite far.

It will be what it will be!  It is what it is!

All is well in my world.

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