Humanness is a stage you are going through.
Michael A. Singer
You are not "just human." Being human is just a small step in your evolution...lasting but a blink of an eye to eternity. It is just something you, as a much higher being, are going through, a universal extension of the terrible twos, or the teenage years , or even a mid life crisis. Humanness is merely a stage.
Our 80 plus years (if we are blessed with that much learning potential) in these bodies and limited concept of self is just something we are temporarily experiencing as consciousness. They are not who we are. Our human and soul mission, I believe, is to grow up and realize who we are. Some of us will fly through this stage of being human like the toddler who masters potty training in a week. For others it will be like the long torment full years of acne, hormones, and the sense of never fitting in that occurs between childhood and adulthood. It will be painful and slow. And for many, many of us, it will be like we are adults that are never able to grow up. Some of us will never grow up or wake up to the truth of who we are. But that is what this stage down here, on planet Earth, is all about.... learning and experiencing what it is like to be human and then transcending that humanness for who we really are.
Pretty crazy, huh?
The Buddha taught that the highest state we can achieve in this earthly school of evolution is compassion. Compassion? Yeah compassion. Compassion, of course goes beyond sympathy and pity for the earthly problems we all share while we are in these forms. Singer, in the below podcast, tells us true compassion is rooted in a deeper understanding of who we really are beyond these forms and the cause and effect nature that brings us to where we presently are. It is about an understanding that beyond the earthly "problems" and this made up idea of "me" and "you" ( the self), .. is the Self we never left, exactly where it is meant to be. We need to get past this facade of "self" or "me" in order to realize that truth and to truly experience compassion.
When you get past can live in this world with compassion.
We cannot be truly compassionate with another suffering these human woes and concerns so many of us are lost in until we realize that there really is no need for concern...that there is nothing wrong anywhere but in the story we created in our minds to make rudimentary sense of why we are here. It is, only when we can get past this "little me" and its bleeding heart...that we see that all is exactly as it should be....and this "me" or that "you" had nothing to do with it.
In compassion, we do not commiserate...we know better. We offer this wisdom to the suffering other
Every moment is perfect result of all the forces that caused it to be that way....
Acceptance of that reality and the reality of what is, is a major part of compassion. Singer reminds us that it took 13.8 billion years for the moment to be exactly the way it is. How can we have a problem with it in these mere seconds it is unfolding in front us then? Because "me" stands up and resists what is! We become so super focused on the object...that which is unfolding in front of us, we forget about the subject...that which is observing. We get so caught up in little me's drama we fail to see the dramaless nature of Self. We are the subject, not the object and our mission is to redirect that light back on Self. We are simply meant to stand back as Observer and say to whatever Life offers us, "Wow! That is so cool. It took 13.8 billion years of events happening the way they happened to become what I am observing now.What is even more cool is that which is observing and gets to experience all this! ".
Once we reach that understanding...there is no more suffering. We will look out at others still suffering the torment of "little me" and without judgement or condemnation be able to sincerely say, "I see your pain . I feel your pain...but I know it doesn't have to be this way. When you are ready ...let me show you how to get past your pain."
You want a nice life? You want to bring love into this world? Well be more understanding that it is the way it it is because it is...things are the way they are....because of all the forces of creation that made them be that had nothing to do with it.
There is no need for renouncement in order to become fully evolved and compassionate beings. Just a willingness to look into the dark, sometimes secretive world, inside, searching past the humanness for the universal roots of suffering in the way of us truly experiencing who we are. Then it takes a relaxing and a releasing. Once we begin the process of cleansing and being free...we can help others do the same in a truly compassionate way. We may just find ourselves evolving into our senior years with great wisdom, clarity and peace. .
All is well.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( May 21, 2023) Exploring True Compassion.
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