Sunday, May 7, 2023


 Distraction is extremely is what is keeping you from God.

Michael A. Singer

Most of us do not equate "distraction" with spirituality but Singer, in the below linked podcast, explains why distraction is a spiritual concept worthy of  consideration. Distraction keeps us from God.  It keeps us from discovering who we truly are which is consciousness. God, he goes on to say, is:

...the One consciousness that is the same throughout the entire universe...

Hmmm? How are we distracted from God?  By focusing on the things that have and are happening to and around this big distraction of "me".  When we are pulled into "me"  disturbances , we are distracted from who we truly are. We have not maintained our seat of Self.  When we are focusing on  the pain outside and inside...we are distracted.  We leave the  seat to follow the pain.  We are distracted. When we grasp and cling to  positive or pleasant experiences , we are distracted. We have forgotten who we are...the objective, undisturbed Witness. 

In order to be free of our ADHD tendencies...we need to learn not to be distracted.  We need to let go of our tendency to follow every bit of sensory input that we are made aware of, every thought, every feeling, every desire to cling and every desire to push away. 

Letting go, we know by now, is 'spiritual' and letting go  is all about not getting distracted...not going with the distraction.  When we start to notice we are getting pulled...than we let go. 

Spirituality, real spirituality, is about learning not to be distracted.  It isn't about right or wrong, good or bad, what should I do and what shouldn't I do. 

The more we let go, the less we get distracted, the "ascent"...the inner pull upward gets stronger and stronger as opposed to the outer pull downward. That is spirituality.

We have attained a certain freedom when the drop of consciousness that was staring at my mind has fallen back into the ocean...

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( May 6, 2023) Liberation-Releasing the Pull of Distraction

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