To attain to something greater than yourself, you have to be willing to give yourself away.
Michael A. Singer
Though I write that it doesn't matter, it is quite a curiosity as to how the readership differs according to the stats page here. One week there is over 100 readers a day, the next there is under five. Google always has a different perspective, it seems, as to how many and from where the readers come. Why is that, I wonder. Hmm! Anyway, it is what it is and it is all good. Not what I wanted to write about.
You must die to be reborn,
This readership curiosity is only uncomfortable to the ego, the psyche, the "little me."
Today I would like to talk about the above from Michael A. Singer's talk. Without calling it out, he was basically describing the message in the Kena of the most beautiful and resonating verses I have ever read. I would recite it, but because discerning "me" has a preference as to what translation I find most poetic...and I cannot seem to find that translation this morning...I won't . I will let you find and read a translation for yourself . Of course, going to those words and concepts is not the answer. We must get beyond it all. We must let go of it all and we will simply fall into Self when we
In order to go beyond yourself, you have to give up yourself. You must leave where you are now and if you let go of that, you will naturally ascend...nothing at all holds you back but you...your concepts etc....paraphrased
The journey is a journey into Self....The only time you are really going anywhere, is when consciousness pulls back into consciousness.
Are you going to spend your life studying the objects of consciousness or are you going to spend your life studying the nature of consciousness?
Don't find God in your mind. Do not find God in the objects of consciousness. Find Self by giving up self and you will find God.
All is well.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of teh Universe ( May 18, 2023) Contemplating Awareness.
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