Monday, May 8, 2023

Dancing Without Fear

 Without becomes a dance with God...and then what difference does it make what comes next...

Michael A. Singer

I am a  fear based person wanting to dance with God. Though I have done a great deal of work to confront my fears, I still have fear in my life.  I am still afraid. 

If you are will not be able to dance this dance at the level it was meant to be danced (Singer)

I am not dancing in the way I danced as a child, before I became scarred with fear.  like A sufi master spinning and spinning in big glorious circles in honor of my connection with God. I don't dance like that anymore.  I am too afraid of what others will say .  What about you?  Are you dancing? Or are you, like most of us, living a life narrowed by fear and therefore not living at all. 

As long as fear is driving your life, you don't have one. (Singer)

Eckhart Tolle reminds us again and again that there is a big difference between our life situation and Life.  Our life situation is our past history and it includes the story of us...what happened to to us, what situation we are living in now, the roles we play, our relationships ...our thoughts, beliefs and feelings etc...and Life, on the other hand, is who we are. So many of us are trapped in the story, seeing the world and life through that narrow lens ...which often equates to a fear based view...and we are not living.  We are thinking, planning, and "doing" whatever we can to avoid or deal with fear and in so doing, we are  missing out on Life.  

Life is here and now and has little to do with the  story in our heads. When we focus this lens of consciousness down on the story...on this narrow perception we have of the world and the situations we have or are facing...the fear...we leave the  seat of consciousness where the energy is high and beautiful and we descend down into the situation, into the fear ( which, btw, is the underlying energy of most of our emotions).  We can get trapped down there and the amazing energy of Life, who we are, can become blocked.  We then miss out on the dancing, on the present reality, on the beauty of Life in the here and now, and our connection with God. 

I consider myself a student and a practitioner of unskilled as I may be at this point :), and as such I do try to extricate  consciousness from my fear rather than spend my time trying to remove fear from my life.  I have learned the hard way that fear cannot be removed from our bodies and is a part of being a human animal...but consciousness, awareness, can be removed from fear.  We do not have to focus all our energy on fear. 

We are here to learn, grow and expand into consciousness.  We are not here to be restricted and coiled up into balls of fear,  And we will learn regardless. If we stay in fear focus...we will act in fear focus and karma will be our teacher.  The lessons are hard and slowly learned in this way, according to Singer. The quickest way to learn, he goes on to say, is through "being there, being here" through the challenges of fear. We can, instead of running away and hiding from fear,  embrace it by being willing to sit with it, observe it and experience it.  Without resistance, fear will enter our lives and it will leave our lives. 

If we  stay conscious, past samskaras get removed and released, and energy stays up in the higher levels. When we stay in the Seat of the center...we are closer to God. When we get distracted by fear and lower based thinking, we lose consciousness. Energy leaves the center  and it goes to much lower levels . We are no longer there and we lose that level of consciousness and awareness. We may use "will", which is an integral part of the  force of consciousness...consciousness asserted and moving in a direction to keep the fear away and this  creates blockages. Resistance  and will make the energy stay in those lower areas. When we focus there, we lose awareness of the here and now...the only place Life can be. We miss out. We need to stay conscious and aware if we want to dance with God! ( Singer)

"The price of God is the willingness and capability to never go be there!" (Singer)

Singer tells us that if we can stay there, every day we will  evolve, getting closer to God. We will not be the  same the next day as we were the day before.... We will begin to care less and less about the life situations. In truth, the world doesn't mean anything.  It is just a product of little "me" and its  conceptual thinking, its preferences, its judgements and opinions, and its  story.  Once we realize that, there will be nothing to fear.

When you are busy dealing with your life situation you miss Life...Life is not in the is in the being now ET

All is well!

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of teh Universe ( April 17, 2023) Remaining conscious in the midst of Life

Eckhart Tolle ( March 7, 2023) The End of Fear/ Eckhart Tolle's Guide on How to Achieve True Peace.

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