A body in uniform motion will remain in uniform motion until it is acted upon by a force.
The First Law of Motion/ Gary Zukav
Man...I really cannot believe I am going to attempt to talk about physics but I am. And I am going to talk about physics in relation to the heart.
Say what crazy lady?
I just finished chapter 4 of The Seat of the Soul for the second time. I got a lot from this chapter. I was reminded of how we need to get beyond the mind to truly understand what we are here to understand. The heart is a valuable tool for that understanding becasue it takes us beyond intellectualization , beyond what we observe with out five senses...to "feeling". Feeling is the ultimate experience. It can take us to our soul.
The thing is, however, most of us deny our feelings. We believe they are useless things that get in the way of our productivity. So we ignore them, push them down or numb from them so we can continue "doing" in a reality that we see only as material. We don't see the compass with its big, bold "True North" in our feelings, pointing the direction to what we really need and want....to go deeper beyond form, to living in essence.
When we close the door to our feelings, we close the door to the vital currents that energize and activate our thoughts and actions. page 44
When we close the door on our feelings we disconnect from the possibility of knowing why we do the things we do, we disconnect from soul, we disconnect from a reverence for Life, and we disconnect from one another.
How can we share the sufferings and joys of others if we cannot experience our own?
What has this got to do with physics?
Uniform motion
Well without awareness of our feelings we live the first law of motion...we continue to remain in uniform motion. We will go through life in a state of unconsciousness uniform motion...just getting by...just running from everything we feel....doing but not there in our doing...attached to the wants of our personality all the while refusing to consider the needs of the soul. This creates negative karma and a type of internal suffering that cannot be appeased by physical world gratification. It can lead to illness, severe mental illness, accidents, injury, and the death of an incarnation that did not realize Self, did not fulfill its mission for being here. So that negative karma will be taken to the next incarnation. . Hopefully the balance will be found there.
The Force
What we need to stop this uniform motion of suppression, repression, denial and avoidance of feeling is a force of some kind . What would that force be? That force is our choice to turn around and face the very thing we were running from. It is the choice to become more conscious and aware, to look deeply into our feelings and feel them. It is like we were in uniform motion running to stay two to three steps ahead of a train because we were afraid of the pain and unnecessary inconvenience it would cause, then finally realizing how futile that is and deciding instead to turn around to face it. Facing a train would stop ya...let me tell ya. Don't need to be a physicist to know that. But until then...until we stop and sit with what is inside us...we are in unconscious motion and the only thing that will stop us is our choice to be aware, to look deeply into those questions about who we are and what Life is truly all about, to become conscious.
What can lead us to the Force
The very thing we were running from can lead us to the force that stops us from going through Life unconsciously. Eventually our repressed, suppressed, denied and avoided feelings will lead to suffering and suffering is the best motivator to wake us up.
The mind which is deluded by illusion lacks the kindness of heart, has no compassion for good and is indifferent to good or bad. When it realizes what is good, then cowardice is replaced by courage; this world by Heaven.
The Yoga Vasistha
Not Really Physics ?
Physics is evolving along with our personalities to see and understand our connection with soul. We see this gradual progression towards a deeper truth in our scientists over the centuries. We have gone from the ideas and discoveries of of Ptolemy to those of Copernicus; from Copernicus to Newton and from Newton to Einstein. We are now moving from the theory of relativity to the discoveries of Quantum mechanics. and quantum physics reflects a species that is becoming aware of its consciousness to the physical world. page 52
All is well!
Gary Zukav (1989/2014) The Seat of the Soul. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Yoga Vasistha: Translated by Rishi Singh Gherwal ( 2021) Kindle Edition
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