It is not possible for you to experience the complete emergence of your soul when you are clouded over by artificial needs. When that happens all you can see are artificial needs, and you see them as being ever so important, ever so significant, but are they really?
Gary Zukav, 207
Are they really?
Is the need for you to get ahead, to have that person treat you in the way they should treat you, to get promoted at work, to buy that house, to own that car, to have that amount of money in your account, to get published, to be noticed, to be thought of by others as "successful" etc etc etc...really that important? Is it possible that your striving to have these needs met, your trying to gain power outside yourself, is getting you in least at the soul level?
Sure, the mind is telling you that they are oh so important and that if you do not get those needs that create external power met you will be a failure.... but Michael Singer reminds us, in the video attachment below, that our mind is just a guest in our Life. We do not have to listen to it. The mind is the thing telling us we have to exhaust ourselves spinning around on some hamster wheel in search of what we believe these artificial needs will get us...when the spinning doesn't get us anywhere but dizzy.
Failure and success, according to Gary Zukav, are just concepts we have created as part of our illusion. It is not the way of the universe to look through the eyes of right or wrong, and failure or success. We are not failures because we have yet to catch up with some external form of power we have been chasing after. We are merely learners! Sure it is okay to achieve these things like the great promotion, the great income etc. If Life throws such blessings your way...good for you. Enjoy it. Rejoice in it. (If it is what you really want and in some way it serves your soul) Just don't make it your number one priority in life....the thing you are putting all your energy towards because you think it will fulfill you.
We have needs , yes , but their are needs that are worth pursuing and needs that are not. What we really, really want is to be genuinely peaceful and happy, right? What you really, really need is to be loved and to love. You really, really need to cultivate your spirit and align your personality with your soul. That is what will bring you the peace you hunger for, not going after that Ferrari or that trophy wife.We need to stop wasting our time pursuing things that will not get us closer to that which we really need.
Both Singer and Zukav tell us in one way or another that in order to find that which will truly make living worthwhile, we have to stop listening so much to the mind/personality whose needs are so different than those of the soul/higher self /conscious awareness. We need to first of all be conscious and aware of what type of goals we are pursuing: outer world or inner world? Artificial or Authentic? those motivated by the need for external power? Or those motivated by the need for internal power? Ego/personality directed pursuits? or soul directed? If we find ourselves so busy seeking things "out there" that we have forgotten all about the "in here", we then have to ask where pursuing the artificial needs are taking us. Once we realize how this is impacting our physical life by exhausting us, our emotional life by not fulfilling us and our spiritual life by adding to our karmic debt...then we might decide to get off the darn hamster wheel. We might decide to to perceive and pursue differently.
We already have what we truly need. The Universe ensures that. We just don't see it when we are running after those outer world things that take us anywhere but closer to soul. We need to make it a point to observe our neediness in action. Take a detached step back and relax in the face of what the mind is doing . Witness it as the conscious Self. ( Singer). Singer says to relax into it, Zukav says to detach from it...but the important thing to do is to be aware and "see" what that mind of yours is doing. Become one step detached from it, and every time you are able to see it you will become more and more detached. (Zukav, pg 208)
We need to realize that our artificial needs are really not that important. Our spiritual evolution is.
All is well
Gary Zukav (1989/2014) The Seat of the Soul. New York: Simon and Schuster
Michael Singer/Sounds True (April 9,2022 ) Michael Singer Podcast: Stages of Evolution: The Continuum of Letting Go
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