Saturday, April 2, 2022

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

 Healing is the return to wholeness...The secret of healing is the secret of enlightenment.

Deepak Chopra

Do We Need To Know What we Are Doing?

I still wonder if I am doing what I am here to do.  It is the question that plagues me the most.  I just want to know if I am fulfilling the contract Zukav writes about in The Seat of the Soul, if there is such a thing. Am I meeting my souls needs?  When I have moments of dissatisfaction, moments I feel "stuck" or in a rut, I question , "why?" and I ask what I need to "do" to make it better for my soul and for my personality. .  

Lack of Satisfaction with Life? 

I know it is more important to "be"  than it it is to do.  I know that any dissatisfaction I have with Life has little to do with Life and a lot to do with my response to it.  I know that my relationship with Life is the problem, not Life.  If I have a problem with it, it is because I am making judgments about how it should be; I have expectations that are not being met and because I am too attached to a certain outcome.  If I seem "broken" isn't life circumstance that broke me but my attitude and approach to Life that did.It is my desiring for Life to be the way I think it should be rather than the way it is that leads to my unhappiness.

Not Personal, Just Is

Michael Singer, in From Fighting to Harmony, explains how our lack of satisfaction with Life is the result of the  unhealthy relationship  we have with Life.  We create an idea in our minds of how things  should be for us, in order to make us happy.  We foolishly assume that Life is meant to make us happy when Life is not that personal at all.  What unfolds before us at this very moment has little to do with us and our puny needs  but with 13.8 billion years of cause and effect .  We just have the privilege of witnessing it, of being a part of it.

I do believe that any energy we put out there will add to this cause and effect but it is not just our energy that creates the circumstances before us...but that of every being on this planet, every force, every ripple. Life is going to go on doing with or without our approval and/or our input.  We get that right?

Life knows what it is doing....even if we don't know what we are doing.

We can find happiness and peace, satisfaction and meaning...not by manipulating the external world and putting all our effort into changing the world so it best suits our internal needs but by simply learning from it.  We need to go with the flow of Life rather than against it as we try to create our own individual realities. We need to ride the wave rather than swim against the current. We need to keep our eye on the ball, watch it, watch it, and simply go where it goes.  Let it lead us. Let's try going  where Life takes us rather than telling Life how it should be to suit us.  We should know by now, that any other approach just doesn't work.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

In my healing, especially with the learning over the last couple of days, I know I want to work with Life, be in harmony with it.  I want enlightenment more than anything becasue I know  that will bring the  healing I may need.  So I need to carefully and mindfully watch Life unfold in front of me, watch where it is going and follow it. Enlightenment  comes from noticing,  accepting, allowing, appreciating , honoring and revering all that unfolds in front of us.  It involves being in awe of the fact that we are participants in this amazing dance. 

If we perceived Life with reverence, and understood our evolutionary process, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical Life and walk the earth in a very deep sense of gratitude. Gary Zukav, Page 39

All is well.

Gary Zukav (1989/2014) The seat of the Soul. New York: Simon and Schuster. 

Deepak Chopra & Adam Plack ( nd) The Secret of Healing. Spotify 

Michael Singer/ Sounds True (April, 2022) The Michael Singer Podcast: From Fighting to Harmony- Changing Your Relationship With Life.

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