Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Art of Mind Training

The training of the mind is an art.  If this can be considered as art, one's life is an art.
-Dalai Lama (desktop calendar; Andrews McMeel Publishing; 2018)

There was something very profound that I wanted to write about.  It came to me in a dream and once again I said, "Ahhh...not getting up. Too tired.  I will remember it when I do get up in the morning."  Well I didn't remember it lol. 

When am I going to learn to get up when these things come to me?  Imagine if Milton didn't get up when "Paradise Lost" came to him...we would be without one of the greatest epic poems of history.  :)

Not that I have such an inspiration for classic pieces of literature rumbling through my dreaming mind in the middle of the night lol...but there is something I know I need to be tapping into. Maybe it is nothing more than a jingle for a dog food commercial...but something is telling me I need to get up and write it down.  :)

Don't go back to sleep.-Rumi

Anyway...ticker is acting up a bit , possibly related to the "stress" my mind convinced me I should be experiencing due to the recent circumstances.  Brady enough to make me nauseated, chesty and weak...but atlas...have been here many, many times before and I will come around.  Just glad I am not teaching a yoga class today. I may have given new meaning to downward facing dog.  ( I have a tendency to faint when I feel like this). It is all really is.

What was the major point of my inspiration last night?  I know it fell along the same lines I have been writing about.  You know... all the usual?  That so called "happiness" is not found outside, it is found inside.  That all there is to live is now.  That we are so much more than our bodies, minds, circumstances. That we extend way beyond this idea of "little me" we fight so hard to defend and maintain. Hmm!  I guess, it relates to today's quote from the calendar, to the art of training the mind to see and understand these truths.

The last couple of weeks were an amazing learning opportunity for mind training, for creating my own form of epic poetry throughout my day. I am grateful for this Life art.


All is well.

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