Monday, December 16, 2019

Observer Bias

Can the mind even see the mind?  We have to answer yes and no. No, because the mind can't be a subject and object at the same time.  The mind interferes, whether it wants to or not, whether it knows it or not, in all that it observes, and with all the more reason when it is a question of itself. But the mind cannot see itself completely.
-Dalai Lama (the calendar lol)

Observer Bias

There is a condition in the field of research called Observer Bias. In this condition the observer (the researcher or experimenter) may come into the study with preconceived ideas and assumptions about the outcome...and this expectation may lead to selective observance of data and in turn may interfere with the collection of pure untainted findings. In other words, the observer is not going to see clearly and observe objectively  because their mind is in the way. Hmmm!

Now if we are going to use the mind itself to observe and understand the mind, the question arises : Can the mind even see the mind? Can we make the mind both the observer and the observed? Can it be both a subject and an object at the same time?

Why the mind can't observe itself

Dalai Lama says we can and we can't.  We can't give the mind both these functions because it is bound to be overcome with observer bias.  If I use my mind to understand what is going on in my mind I am going to fill my observation with loads of preconceived ideas, beliefs, assumptions which are also of the mind.  My conclusions are not going to be accurate and trust worthy. The mind interferes with all it observes with our thinking and our judgments.  It contaminates our research.  For that reason the mind can not see the mind clearly.

Why the Mind can

On the other hand the Dalia Lama says we can use the mind to observe itself because it cannot see itself completely.  It is often the conceptual mind that we tend to use in our observations in life.  The conceptual mind is limited by the senses, conditioning, learning, accumulated knowledge and beliefs.  For that reason the conceptual mind can really only see and understand the conceptual mind...everything else is grossly distorted because of its observer bias.

There is, however,  another part of our mind, the deeper Mind, that goes beyond conceptual understanding.  The deeper Mind has no observer bias when it looks at the whole of itself.  It sees clearly without thought, without judgment, with out any preconceived notions. So this deeper Mind can see the conceptual part of itself whereas the conceptual mind often cannot see or understand it. If I am using my conceptual mind to observe mind...I will see little of the truth.  If I use the deeper Mind to observe mind, I will see it all.

Get that? I hope so because I couldn't repeat it again without confusing myself.

It is all good.

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