Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ego Dressings

Ego Dressings

We are told that we are broken,

and are instructed to look away

as “wound coverings”  are applied

so expertly

by Ego’s competent hands.

With what seems like loving patience,

it hides the wounds

that it, itself, has made.


Plaster and  gauze

is applied


by layer,

by layer,

creating a thick

and life absorbing dressing

over who we really are.

It looks neat.

It looks secure.

It looks like it will protect,

our vulnerable flesh from

the dangerous world around us.

So we do not dare to peek at

what lay beneath,

at what we are told

by Ego’s hissing reprimands

is ugly and infected. 


Yet the dressing is so tight

and restricting,

limiting our movement ,

preventing the life blood

from  turning our beings pink

with new growth,

making our bodies throb with pain,

while offering no hope of healing.

Something within tells us to

remove each layer…

though it stings to do so .

Something guides us to expose

the hidden flesh

to the air

that longs to caress it.

We gingerly push

Ego’s prying hands aside

and we remove the dressing

bit by bit,

piece by piece

 until what lay beneath can be seen,

until it can breathe,

until we can look down to  see

that no wounds were ever there.

“Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Therein lies the peace of God.”

Dale-Lyn 2018
Hmmm!  I wrote that over a year ago???  I guess the learning is really sinking in for me bit by bit.  I listened to Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle discuss the ego today on her super Soul Series podcast.
Tolle explains that ego is self identification with the stream of thinking.  It is the mind made identity or image of ''who I am" .  It is the story of 'me'. 
In this poem analogy it is the dressing provider...that which creates an outside image and hides the Self within.  Though it at one time played an important function in humanity's survival just as the dressing plays a temporary role in healing, we as a species are outgrowing that function.  We have begun to see the dressing as our very flesh. It has therefore  become toxic and destructive...allowing infection rather than healing to fester inside....It is time to remove it.  And it is time to debride the mental eschar that has grown on the surface of our true selves. If we do not begin removing ego and its trappings, we will not survive...the planet will not survive.
I know that is heavy but I feel compelled to drop it here anyway.  The good news is that more and more of us are waking up to this truth and are beginning the removal process.  If you are reading this for more than idol curiosity or incredulity ...maybe you have begun the healing process yourself. Maybe you have begun removing ego from your life layer by layer.
All is well
Eckhart Tolle & Oprah Winfrey ( ?)  The Best Eckhart Tolle Talk...Power of Now, New Earth. Oprah's Soul Series XM.  Retrieved from

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