Thursday, May 11, 2017

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

I started this journey many decades ago with a little book I found in my father's bookshelf entitled, The Power of Positive Thinking. I was 18, I believe at the time and I was an emotional mess.  I took the worn and tattered copy outside to the veranda where I spent many hours as a teenager writing out my woes in a journal, and I began to read.  I was blown away by this idea that by changing my thoughts I could change this mess of a life I felt I was in. I read. I highlighted. I wrote notes in my journal. I was on a mission to understand. I was so excited about the learning. Almost 40 years later, I am still trying to understand and I am still excited by it.

I was meant to find that book.  I know that now.  As I was meant to come across every other book that somehow landed on my lap after that.  I was being guided.  I guess, many would call that airy fairy nonsense but I know I was being guided by something bigger than me to find the healing I needed.  I discovered at that early age where the healing place existed my mind...and it involved one thing...changing the way I thought.

So though the books have changed over the years as did the means by which the message was expressed in them; though the speakers have gone from straight laced pastors who always wore a suit to Buddhist monks, Indian Yogis and a middle aged woman channelling the collective consciousness in an entity called Abraham....the message really is the same.  Change your thoughts and you change your world.  It is that simple! 

So don't get tripped up over the references you find here or the means by which the message comes to us...just listen to the very simple wisdom in the message...the same message that was taught for centuries, centuries and centuries...the same message that was taught by those you may relate better too (through the words of the bible, for example,  if you are Christian). It is a universal truth, is it not? Change your thoughts and you change your world. 

It is all good.

All is well in my world.


Peale, N.V. (1952) The Power of Positive Thinking. New York: Simon & Shuster.

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