Sunday, May 7, 2017

Acceptance vs The Giving -Up-On-Wanting Cancer

Accepting the present moment just as it is, is not the same as giving up.  When we give up, we are listening to the voices of doubt. When we accept, we are quieting those voices and listening to the silent whispers of  the spirit.
Dean Jackson (Poet)

I wrote yesterday about getting beyond that feeling of "not having" to healthy wanting.  I guess, I also need to speak a little more on healthy accepting.  There is a difference between accepting what is and giving up on expectation for desire fulfillment...a big difference.

Though we may assume we are in acceptance mode when we don't get frazzled when something, we were so sure was about to show up, doesn't we might actually be on our way to succumbing to the  giving- up -on -wanting cancer.  How do we know if our approach to acceptance is getting sick?

Sick  Acceptance

We will know this defeatist attitude is beginning to grow in us like a malignant tumour, replacing our healthy wanting cells, when we adopt and "Oh well!  That's Life " attitude to every disappointment and unfulfilled desire we encounter.

When our bank accounts  are still in the red after years of practicing "allowing," for example,  and we hear ourselves saying "Oh well!  That's life. I better get used to it." ...we are getting sick

Sure we have not yet  come out and  said the taboo words of manifesting , "I will never get what I want anyway, so why should I even bother wanting. " but that is the thought direction we are heading in. 

The universe responds to that thought vibration by holding back.  Things are not showing up.  Time is passing from days, months, to years and still our desires go unfulfilled.  It will seem that the universe is not answering our request.

When we assume that our requests are being denied, we begin to believe that disappointment, frustration, a lack of,  is permanently etched into our future and there is no escaping our destiny.  The time and space between what we want and where we are takes up all our attention.

The Giving-Up-On-Wanting Cancer

When our attention is there, we are  creating more of what we don't want and more distance, time and space between what we originally asked for and where we are now. It is uncomfortable here in the in between so we step back onto the familiar and somewhat stable ground of not having.  At this point, we are very sick.

We are mentally going beyond accepting what is... to giving up on what could be.  When we find ourselves "sucking it up" more that we are "launching it out there"  ...we are pretty much getting to the more advanced stages. Our dreams are dying...well they are dying in our minds and in our minds only.

Source will not be deterred

Source will still provide no matter how our dreams mutate and decay.  Source will still pick up the energy vibration brought about by contrast and send a rocket of desire out on our behalf. (Abraham) Source will answer us.  Source will look after us always...providing for us constantly.  Source doesn't recognize cancer or illness in any form. 

The giving-up-on wanting cancer, therefore,  will not deter Source but it will deter us from realizing the gifts Source is providing for us.   With this disease we lose the ability to see clearly. We can no longer see how we are loved, protected, provided for and that all we have to do is ask and we will receive. We stop expecting because it is becoming too painful and disappointing.  It is easier to just say "That's Life!  and that is the way my life is going to be!"

We go beyond giving-in to the wisdom of life flow to giving up on the abundance the life flow carries with it for us.  We go beyond accepting to succumbing. We go from soaking up the positivity God offers to being buried under the negativity Ego offers.

This is us backing away from God...not vice versa.  God has not backed away from us! 

When we lose connection to our desire...we lose the awareness of our connection to Source...and  we stop allowing all that is intended for us to come to us.  We will be stuck in a state of not having.  It has to be understood...that we are not accepting here...we are giving up.

Accept, don't succumb

Acceptance of what is, is essential to our growth and expansion as human beings but we need to know the difference between  accepting and succumbing. 

Acceptance says,  "This is the way my life is right now...I may not like it...but I will desire this or that and I will get it so that I don't stay here in this situation I do not desire." 

Acceptance shows the contrast, sends out the desire and is full of faith and hope in the outcome. 

Succumbing is accepting the now for what it is...sure...but it looks at all the lack, all the disappointment, and time between the asking and the receiving of requests as being all there is.  Succumbing says, "It sucks but I guess I have to live like this.  Might as well settle in and make the most of it because it isn't going to get better."

There is no faith in hope...that the next moment will be better...that this moment can have more in it beyond acceptance. There is no more "wanting" or desiring because it seems so hopeless.

There is no moving up the emotional scale in succumbing...where there is in true acceptance. 

True acceptance takes us up the ladder...succumbing to the giving-up-on-wanting cancer will only bring us down farther.

I realize that I have this mental cancer .  One of the reasons why things do not seem  to happen for me as quickly as I would like; why my life is not changing for ways I think are better and more because my thinking is sick. 

I need surgery and chemotherapy before I can begin to get better.  I need to cut out the "Oh Well!  That's Life!  I better get used to it!" thoughts that fill my moments and that have been subconsciously  causing so much pressure. I also  need to infuse myself with treatments of hope and faith.

With the right amount of care, the tumours will shrink and healthy new wanting cells will take their place.  :) I am confident of that. 

All is well in my world.

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