Sunday, June 11, 2023


 Eventually you can be in life, 

and not only does it not bother you 

but you dance.

There is nothing to get; there is nothing to lose, 

there is no better or no worse, 

there is no good; there is no bad, 

there is no right; there is no wrong...

there is just the experience of life 

that blows through you like the breeze, 

And eventually you learn to dance with her.

And when you can dance with Life, 

without bringing anything to the party 

that is personal, you move 

into what is called the Tao.  

You move into a place 

where there is movement 

but you are not moving, 

where there is action without motive.  

I told you, 

you are like the leaf that blew off the tree 

and the wind is blowing it.  

It is following a path 

but the path is not its 

yet it is in perfect harmony with the path...

it is not ahead or behind.  

The wind determines the movement of the leaf...

so Life determines your Life.

and you dance with it...

it is the only dance there is. 

Michael A. Singer

I listened to those words today as part of my Sunday practice...I tend to start with words of wisdom from a wise being and it is usually Michael A. Singer I check out first. So grateful for those words.

I want to dance so badly with Life!

A question was raised and I will ask it of you:

Can you stand in the presence  of whatever Life puts before you? 

I hope so!  I want you to enjoy this dance!

I have a ways to go yet .  Still need a lot of dancing lessons and practice before I stop stepping all over Life's toes.  :)  But I am getting there. Part of my practice, because I have already been through some nasty dealt hands, involves standing before them as they come back up from the dark depths I stuffed them in, and letting them go.  

I do see that the only thing in life that needs fixing is me...I do.  And I am progressing very well in my practice of accepting what unfolds in front of me without getting disturbed by it.  I am observing my likes and dislikes that are so much in the way of me truly experiencing Life and I am getting beyond them.  I find myself less and less judgemental or opinionated, with less and less expectations about how things "should be" , and therefore I am less and less frustrated as I encounter what Life offers. I can, for the most part, accept Life, as it is. I stopped fighting it! I am well on my way to graduating from Stage One: Learning not to be bothered by Life.   Ready to go on to Stage Two:  The experiencing of Life.  Stage Three: Is settling into Life as the lead and enjoying it.  Stage Four: Is the dancing with Life. ( Well this the way I see it.) 

I still feel fear, so I have a ways to go yet in my Life practice.  

The day you are fine with the worse cards that can be dealt out is the day you will never feel fear again. 

What about you? Are you almost ready to dance with Life as it leads you around the dance floor? 

All is well!

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe. ( May 11, 2023) Dance With Life.

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