Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Meaning of Life

 If you seek the meaning of life you will lose it.

Alan Watts

Unrelated Side Note: I have "other" weighing in as a -3 on my stats page lol. How does one have -3 readers lol on a pie data chart when I have a lot of other url's showing up?  Who is this other anyway...must be someone who has access to the editorial portion of this blog, possibly explaining why sometimes things are missing from previously posted entries or moved around? (This is just an assumption, a "jumping to conclusions" ...I really do not know what any of it means! ) It is  mysterious  though and it is peaking my curiosity.  


Wanted to share some wise words from Alan Watts

Life has no meaning except itself.

You are not seperate from the experience; you are the experience.

Hmm! Something to ponder.

All is well 

Alan Watts/T & H- Inspiration and Motivation (July, 2021) People Keep Looking But Don't See It. -Alan Watts on Inner Peace.

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