Sunday, October 17, 2021

Testing the Desire to Write Here

 When we don't recognize when desire is present, we're simply lost in its distorting energy; when we are aware of it, it becomes part of the path of awakening.

Joseph Goldstein page 125

I had stepped away from my blogging for a couple of days this week.  Wanted to make sure I was not too attached to it or anything that I do on a regular basis. So on Tuesday, I told myself , "Nope!  Not going to write today! And maybe not for the rest of the week. "   

I felt a few pangs of desire but I held back on gratifying this hindrance.  (Can you tell I am reading Joseph Goldstein's Mindfulness: a Practical Guide to Awakening?).  I want a "luminous mind"..."free of desire , which is the basis for delight, joy, traquility, happiness, concentration, and insight." pg 125

I don't want my passion for writing to get in the way of my need for peace.  If that makes sense.  So every now and again I will just not show up here.  Until I can ascern if my motivation to come here is a hindrance to my waking up,  a "desire to do" that leads to clinging or , hopefully, a wholesome and skilful way to be... I will test myself by refraining from writing on occasion.

All is well! 

Joseph Goldstein ( 2016) Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening. Sounds True: Boulder

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