Saturday, October 23, 2021

Helping the Universe Grow "I"

 Seeking nothing, he gains all; forgoing self, the universe grows "I". 

Sir Edwin Arnold

I know this at some deep level.  I can't explain how or why I know it but I do.  Still my ego is constantly throwing a heavy dark blanket over this knowing. It keeps telling me and attempting to show me through habit mind  that there is a "me", a seperate self I need to defend and attack for. It tells me that  I need to fulfill this self by seeking something out there in the external world  and up there in the proverbial future. When I don't get there or when I attain and achieve some satisfaction and it doesn't last...ego tells me to keep trying...keep seeking... hhm!

As Alan Watts says, Only suckers put hope in the future. I am a sucker. 

I need to keep going back to my center, that space where this knowing is uncontaminated by anything my mind is doing.  I do not need to go "out there'' or "up there" in some future moment.There is only this moment!   Right now, I just need to stop and remind myself of this. Our purpose here, I guess, is to help the universe to grow in "I"ness...we cannot do that if each mind in a  sack of flesh sees itself as "I" independent of the universe. 

We need to relinguish our seperate claims of "I"...realize the illusionary nature of it ...and wake up to the truth of Life. 

A man who understands the Tao in the morning, can die peacefully in the evening. Confucious? 

Hmm! Some more food for thought!

All is well

Alan Watts/ T & H- Inspiration and Motivation ( August, 2021) Alan Watts on the Eternal Now.

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