Sunday, October 4, 2020

 You cannot make God or consciousness, which is the enemation of God, into an object of perception or an object of knowledge...You are what you are looking for.

Eckhart Tolle

Lighting up the world

You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14

So we are all here to be the light of the world.  What is the light? Consciousness.  So we are to shine the light of consciousness on the world so that we  can find what we are looking for...consciousness....which is actually what we already are.

Confusing huh?

You are the eternal light needed to discover the light that is you. You are a small enemation of God, a ray off the Brilliant Sun, the eternal subject, the eternal observer. You can not be observed, perceived or known.

You canot "know" this with the mind.  You can not conceptualize it or understand it.  You can only be it. 


All is well!

Eckhart Tolle  Teaching on 'Being the Light'/Awaken your inner light

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