Sunday, October 11, 2020

See Grace not Evil

... the extremely important point is this: as far as man's earthly life is concerned, if he believes in evil, he experiences evil; if he believes in disease, he experiences disease; if he believes in hell and the devil, he suffers all the tortures they offer each time he falls from what his own mind considers to be grace.

Andersen, Uell S..

Did I Slime You? 

All is well! I apologize for my relaying the heavy sharing the challenges of my life right now boring or as as distracting as they may be for others to hear about. Someone once told me that sharing the heavy negative experiences of our lives is like "sliming" pouring a big bucket of gooey, sticky gunk all over that they have to walk through the rest of their days with this stinky mess, that does not wipe off easily, stuck to them. I didn't mena to make you slimy and stinky :) 

 It is also a "complaint" isn't it?  In a sense I have gone beyond expressing a certain "what is" so that I recognize, allow and accept complaining about it.  That is not great.  I will never get through the 21 day complaint free challenge, if I keep that up lol.  

Thinking Negatively Does Not Serve

And Andersen reminds us  that thinking the way I do will definitely not serve me or others. I can see how it doesn't  serve me.  I see how it is effecting my thought processes.  I have not had a violent dream in eons...last night my dream was as violent as they come.  I was every protagonist in the dream running from the antagonists which were definitely the epitome of what we know as "evil".  They hurt, destroyed and made others suffer because, as they told me, they enjoyed it.  Instead of standing up to them, like I usually do in my dreams, I ran. 

What does this tell the Jungian in me...I am being overwhelmned by negativity and have a sense that faith in my ability to handle it is missing.  This is anxiety by the way...pure and simple and I woke up anxious. I have not felt that way in a long time.

Deny evil; Embrace Grace

Now Andersen tells us to "deny all evil".  I am going to not ignore the challenges, the emotional reactions they seem to effect in us...just ignore the idea of "evil"which is the belief that some force that seems stronger than us is out to get us.  That is illuison.  

When life seems heavy and you feel like you are having to run from it, like I did in my dreams last night...stop yourself, take a deep breath, connect to the something that is all powerful...powerful enough to move mountains...and turn around and deal with what is in front of you.  Just face it.  

I had one of my protagaonists do that last was scary as heck but this me in this strange huuman form I was in, a man...turned around and asked the person wanting to kill me..."Is this what you really want to to do? You really cannot hurt me...not really and running is too exhausting." I then proceded to scare him/her with this idea of  hell as punishment.  Well I got my head blown off but...I didn't feel anything in my dream lol...I just found myself very quickly in another body running like the dickens away lol

Anyway my point is...the answer is not to succumb to this notion of "evil" but to add light to the darkness, add faith, add Love. This is grace.  Grace is all around us, even in those dark corners of our minds. Shine the light there and Grace will be seen. Grace will show us that there is no such thing as "evil". 

Sure express yourself but just be careful about getting lost in a story that takes you beyond acceptance to "sliming" not just others but the eyes by which you can see grace.


All is well. 

Andersen, Uell S.. Three Magic Words . BN Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

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