Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Safety or Love?

You will identify with what you think will make you safe.
-ACIM-W-5.What is the Body?

Do you agree with that?

Do we humans tend to identify with whatever will make us safe?

Do we identify with certain countries with specific borders because we feel the border will keep us safe from other countries?

Within those countries do we stick with specific groups, political affiliations, races, genders, or religions for protection? Do we fear we will be at the mercy of every danger (including isolation) if we don't? 

Do we stick to ideologies and beliefs because they somehow offer comfort and security?  Do we fear that we will be reduced to nothing if we don't?  We will lose who we are?

Do we Identify with the body?

Do we identify with the body because we assume it somehow keeps us safe? Do we see the skin that surrounds us, (which is often called the first line of defense in the Anatomy world), a protective border between us and everything else?

Do we revere allopathic medicine and all its ideologies because we  assume it will keep our bodies safe?  Do we fear our bodies will disintegrate and get diseased or fall a part if we don't? Therefore so will we?

Do we buy all the gadgets that keep the body safe: safety restraints, locks, alarms, immunizations, armed weapons etc,  because we identify with a belief system that says the body is always at risk and we are the body so we are  always at risk?

Do we identify with the notion that the bodies we have determine if we are victors or prey? Murderers or victims? Dead or alive?

Do we see ourselves as these piles of flesh and only that? 

No wonder why we are afraid!

Do we live in fear?

Are our identifications, the ideas we have of ourselves, generated by fear? Seriously...is that the case?Is it fear that drives the body into its pursuits or is it  love?

Is it love that puts up fences and walls, that attacks or defends, that separates and isolates?  Of course not.  It is fear.  The body we identify with is used  by fear, is motivated by fear and is driven by fear. Why? Because we identify with ego's purpose for the body and not what it was truly meant for. We identify with lies.

Made to be fearful, must the body serve the purpose given it.  But we can change the purpose that the body will obey by changing what we think that it is for. ACIM-W-5. What is the Body?: 3:4-5

Is there another way?

The body will do what we ask of it...Its purpose is whatever  we assume it to be for.  If we listen to the ego lies  and see it as vehicle of separation, we will live in fear.  If, however, we see it for what it is really for...a vehicle of Love... we will no longer be imprisoned by it, we will no longer live in fear.

Your safety lies in truth, and not in lies.  Love is your safety.  Fear does not exists.  Identify with love, and you are safe.  Identify with love, and you are home.  Identify with love and find your Self. ACIM-W-5. What is the Body?: 5:3-8

All is well in my world.

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