Why should I perceive a thousand forms in what remains as one? Why should I give this one a thousand names, when only one suffices?
It is funny how this works for me. I will get to a lesson in A Course and the words will sink in a bit. Then all of a sudden I seem to come across the same message everywhere while I am contemplating the lesson. No escaping the learning, I guess. The Universal teacher is determined that I pass this course. :)
A Tolle Coincidence
Speaking of the body and the Oneness that unites all things, Eckhart Tolle's video seemed to pop into my life echoing what I am presently reading in A Course. He speaks to this Universal Presence that exists within the 'thousand forms' that seems to define us all as individuals. We get hung up on the body/bodies but the body is merely a vehicle to house this Presence.
Breezes Through Open Windows
Tolle, in the video, describes how people will often try to get physically closer to him because they feel so much peace coming from him that in turn makes them feel more peaceful. He described what they felt coming from him as ' breeze' because the window of his body and mind is opened...so the breeze flows easily through. Everyone, he said. Wants to be close to the breeze. He then said that they too have the breeze flowing in them or else they would not even recognize the breeze coming from him. His open window leads to them opening their own so their breeze can flow through comforting others as well. Thus is the nature of true teaching and learning.
When we look into the eyes of a loved one...we may also sense this essence, this breeze. A peace and love may seem to be coming from the other person that makes us feel peaceful and loved. What we don't realize is that it is not the form that makes us feel peaceful...it is the presence that is the peace and love they emanate, that is in us.
Beyond Connection
What we are feeling is not just 'a connection' but a Oneness that goes beyond connection. They are not just like us...they are us. The same presence in them is in us. Their transparency is reflecting who we are! What we are actually feeling is the peace and love in us. What we are experiencing is the presence that is in us. What we may someday realize is that there really is nothing 'outside' of us.
So what is this Oneness? A Course calls it God the Father's Love; Eckhart Tolle refers to is as spacious presence, the Buddhists call it Truth. It is referred to as Source, the Universal flow of energy, Life, consciousness and in so many other ways. Could it be that They are all the same thing unifying all of us?
For he is part of me and I of him, and we are part of You Who are our Source, eternally united in Your Love.-ACIM-W-262:1:8
The point is we are not separated by body lines or anything in this physical world. Something much deeper and much more real than flesh and bone is unifying us. What would the world be like if we all realized that truth?
Nobody is more divine, closer to the Source, to God than you. The only difference, maybe, is that you don't know how close you are.
-Eckhart Tolle
Hmmm! Food for thought.
All is well in my world.
Video: Namaste Publishing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zcurl7QUCw
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