Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Getting Beyond Egoic Identification

Can you sense the very presence that is the essence of who you are? And it has no is just spacious awareness. And that is an amazing know your Self as spacious awareness.  That frees you from believing that your personal history is who you are.  
-Eckhart Tolle

In this wonderful lecture/sat sang...Eckhart Tolle describes many steps that can lead us away from ego identification to the the moment/the now. Though he may not have intended to use steps...I heard several steps and this is what I heard.  (Yep...I heard some alliteration...I heard it in "a"s lol):
  1.  Be Aware: Just stop what you are doing and look around you.
  2. Acknowledge what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting or touching.
  3. Allow the moment to be what it is.
  4. Appreciate it...appreciate the changes, the beauty or the contrast
  5. Ask: Is this what I am sensing all there is of this moment/? This now?
  6. Slip a bit away from sensual perception to the alert presence beneath it.
  7. Revel in the aliveness that can be experienced without these superficial senses ( for example: just close your eyes and feel the life in your hands, in your feet, in your entire body)
  8. Shift your attention more and more away from the superficial to what lay beneath it
  9. Use this as an anchor to hold you in presence when ego sends its thoughts your way to pull you from this alert presence.  (And it will)
  10. Answer the question: Who or what is aware of my awareness?
  11. Accept the spaciousness between the thoughts
  12. Affirm that this is who and what you are: Spacious awareness aware of Itself.
Well that is what I got from it.  All is well in my world!

Not that we are old goats lol...I chose this picture and shot it because when this goat  looked at me it was like he/she knew who he was.  It kind of  looks like he is smiling with that confidence, doesn't it?

Lion Motivation  (March, 2018) Eckhart Tolle- The Journey into Now. Retrieved from:

(Please note: Since this did not come from the Eckhart Tolle TV site...I am not sure if I am citing it correctly or if I even have the right to use it here? At the same time...I need to cite where I got my information. No offense intended.)

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