Life takes care of Life.
Life takes care of Life. I know that but I woke up this morning asking: Are you absolutely sure it does? Because 'my' life is pretty screwed right now if it doesn't.
I am feeling fear and guilt over my decision... a little anxious about the upcoming consequences. It is like, "What have I done? And what do I do now?"
What have I done? I followed through with the inspired action of letting go of something and trusting, falling backwards toward the outstretched arms of Life. I catch myself asking in mid air..."Man...are those arms open?...Is Life going to catch me or is it too busy texting someone else? Am I going to hit the ground with a bang? Maybe I shouldn't have leapt when I did."
Well it is a little late now lol. I am off the stage and in the air.
What do I do now? Ego slips in to say..."Okay now that you made such a life altering decision...what are you going to do next? What is the plan? What if you land with a thump...what's your back up plan?"
Jumping seemed like such a wonderful spirited soul inspired action, a trust venture but when ego steps in and gets all technical and precise, I doubt. In this world of doing and a need for control, I am suddenly like a student asked a surprise question I wasn't prepared for.
"Duh??? Ummm...I don't know", I answer because I don't know. I don't know what I am going to do. Shouldn't I know that?
If Mooji's wisdom is true...I really do not need to fret over what to do next. I just need to trust that Life knows what it is doing and allow it to continue to unfold. It is unfolding and has been for a while.
I was led here by all my life circumstances...from my past to my present state of health...I was led here. I know that. Leaping was the next logical step, wasn't it? For my evolution anyway, if not for my ego's sense of security lol.
What it is unfolding into, I haven't a clue...I just know it is something amazing. How do I know that? I don't know. Ego certainly didn't tell me that, lol but Something within me did. That something was Life, I believe. Life told me to jump and I did....knowing somewhere deep inside that Life takes care of Life.
It is all good.
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