Wayne Dyer ( from Manifest Your Destiny (Harper; 1997))
The Learning Platform of Life
I still think about my honest expressions the other day and I wonder if they were done with the greatest intentions. Everything to me is a learning platform...every choice I make; every response I have to something outside of me; everything I think...say...or do...is worthy of contemplation, examination and evaluation in order to determine if it is getting me closer or further away from where I want to be.
How do we know we are getting to where we want to be?
That takes me to the major way of knowing if we are getting there....to where we are headed...the emotional meter. How does what we think, do, take in or send out there make us feel? That is the biggest question to ask ourselves.
Knowing that the highest self within us, that part that comes from God , wants us to feel peace...we can be more specific in our questioning or contemplation of our actions. :
- Did what I say or do bring peace to me and/or potentially to others in the sense of valuable life change?
- Did I feel relief beyond the ego?
- Did I go beyond the need for the good opinion of others and my need to be right when I proceeded?
- Does it feel like this action took me a little closer to where I was heading?
If the answer is yes...breathe in deeply the relief of knowing you are heading in the best direction for you and others. You can relax in the flow trusting even more that internal guidance system that led you to make those action choices.
The Peace Questions
If you said no to any of the above...then know that you are not there yet. You are still guided by ego's wishes and demands. You have some more learning and practicing to do. Be sure to take the time to stop and ask this question before you act again:
"Is what I am about to say or do going to bring me peace and am I considering the highest good or is ego just looking for recognition, revenge, and/or to be proven right? Do I feel peace thinking about doing this and do I anticipate peace as the outcome?"
If peace is the feeling you are experiencing than your highest self is directing. Let the highest self guide you in your actions, not ego.
I asked myself that question prior to my honest expressions yesterday and I felt compelled to proceed. I also asked the above questions after I said what I felt needed to be said. Though I hate the thought of offending anyone or addressing the negative behaviour of others...doing what I did, saying what I said brought peace to me.
I am fully aware that my ego is still in need of some major deflating and it does gain a certain strength from my being the person who is "right" in a situation...some of that came into play in both cases. I have to work on that. Still I felt relief beyond the ego...like I was clearing paths and the actions were taking me a little closer to my goals. I was thinking of the higher good...beyond my own self serving and narrow minded goals.
So I can breathe in deeply and let the relief guide me. I feel the peace my highest self wants me to feel. I still have learning to do but I am definitely getting there.
All is well.
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