Thursday, March 2, 2017

Learning from Robin Williams

You'll have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to.
Robin Williams

I teared up a bit when I read this quote from someone who made so many people laugh, yet eventually let his own depression get the best of him. There is so much wisdom in these words. 

Eyes turned in the wrong direction

In my own long big spiel yesterday I was relaying how I was mistakenly putting my attention and focus on the things in my life that felt like punishment.  What I didn't relay was what I was missing when my eyes were turned in the wrong direction.  I did not notice the peaceful pauses  that were all around me...everywhere, everyday. 

Between each bout of crisis that does seem to be coming at me so fast sometimes, there were these beautiful reprieves, these blessings. these gifts.  Even the crisis themselves carry with them something to be appreciated.  It is all in perception. I just didn't see them.  I chose to look at them now: I have so many many precious, precious moments in my life :) I am going to do my best to pay attention to the good stuff.

An Example

As an example of how things change when we switch focus. 

I was complaining, under my breath, today when I though D. forgot to bring the garbage out.  I find it very difficult to lug one of the big old broken cans out to the curb...takes  my breath and gives me chest pain but I told myself it had to be done since he was not there.  I was hinting for a new garbage system for months.

Anyway with a great deal of effort  I managed to do it and it was not a pleasant experience.  The whole time I was not thinking about all the wonderful things D. does for me, his kindness, and his support...I was only focusing on the fact that he forgot to take the garbage out. I came back in to the house huffing and puffing and somewhat upset. 

At that moment I received  a call from him telling me he just  bought me a gift.  He had run out to the Canadian Tire to buy me one of those big garbage bins with the wheels (the ones I was hinting fro) so we wouldn't have to lug anymore. That is why he didn't bring the garbage out earlier. 

Lesson learned!

All is well in my world.

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