Everything about living is about how you feel when you are living.
It is all about how you feel now!
These words just hit the core of me as I sat in my vehicle with the Abraham Hicks: Master Course audio playing on the car CD. I was waiting for D.'s son to finish his appointment and I was getting lost in the listening. The line hit me so hard because it made perfect sense...so I dug in my purse for something to write on and all I could find was an old receipt and a broken pencil...but I got it down:) I felt the compulsion to come back and write those words here. Everything about living is about how you feel when you are living.
Abraham's Message
Okay, okay...I know you may question the messenger from where the message came. I still do to some extent. I was first drawn to Abraham by curiosity years ago..I revisit and revisit and revisit because of the message. I get the message! I feel the message!
It is like it is triggering in me something I already know. It is what is remembered that puts the "Aha" in an "aha" moment, not what was first discovered . That is why it suddenly clicks and makes sense. I don't want to think about where the message came from. I just want to absorb the truth I feel is in those words because I feel the "aha" in it. Everything about living is about how you feel when you are living.
The In-Between
We are born into physical form and we die from that form. We are eternal, our bodies aren't. So we have two points between which we "live" in the physical sense: the point of birth and the point of death. Our human understanding of life is what is in between.
We have two emotional poles from which we experience life: Bliss on one end, despair on the other ...the whole experience of being exists between those poles. Before we were born, we knew the truth about who we really are; we knew complete joy and when we die we will know it again. In between those two points we go from remembering to forgetting, to remembering again. We go from joy, to suffering, to joy again. We go from knowing Source, forgetting Source and back to knowing Source again. That is what the journey is all about. Everything about living is about how you feel when you are living.
Life Happens Now
Most importantly, Life happens now...right now right here...it doesn't happen in yesterday and it won't happen in tomorrow. Both time frames do not exist anywhere but in our minds. Life can only happen right now. The only time we can live is right now. Life is the experience of being right here right now. How are you experiencing right now? What does it mean to experience something? It means to "feel" it. Everything about life is about how you feel when you are living. (We can add to that...right now!)
So if you want to live fully, have the life you were intended to have, you focus on feeling over everything else. Life is not about how much you do, how much you own, how much you are...it is about how much you feel! Everything about life is about how you feel when you are living....right now!
How are you feeling right now?
You want to know what the secret to having a full, and successful life is, then? Feel as good as you can feel now. Why? Because.... Everything about life is about how you feel when you are living ...right now
Feel as good as you can feel now.
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