Thursday, March 2, 2017

Simple Moments


They enfold me

with their soft fabric,

wrapping me  in a comforting embrace.

They hold me up and away

from the chaos

and the outstretched

arms of those things

seeking to pull me down

with their desperate  hands.

They warm me

when the world feels

cold and lonely,

taking away the chill

that sometimes settles in my core.

I close my weary eyes

and get lost in breath.

I relax in to these

comforting pockets,

in to these simple moments,

like a child would settle

into a mother's lap.

I am lulled by the lullabies

and creaking motions,

 sweetly hidden         

in the silence,

in the stillness

of the now.


Dale-Lyn Dec 2011

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