Wednesday, March 15, 2017

To know that we know what we know, and we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.
Nicolaus Copernicus

The Importance of Keeping Our vibrations Up

What do I write about today? I feel?  That is boring for others I know but I guess it relates to what I am writing about lately: The need to "feel good" to keep our vibrational energies up. 

Having the lives we want  is all about unblocked vibration, right?  When we talk about reaching our potentials...which are probably much more unlimited than we can ever imagine with these limited minds...  we are talking about the need to match the vibration of what it is we want with our emotional energy flow. It is thought and emotion that creates the reality we are experiencing.  

Just Science

I have to stress here that this "co-creating",  "manifesting", "law of attraction"  thing me just science, one that prescribes to certain laws of physics and energy flow. I am questioning it, testing it but I do not know it...yet. :)  

I am aware that many see it is hocus pocus stuff that meets a great deal of resistance in  pre-established belief systems.  As I mentioned before these ideas may even cause "fear" in some.   It has never been my intention to make others uncomfortable as I philosophize may way through this understanding.  At the same time, I can not hold back on my exploration of things like this simply because it may make certain people uncomfortable. 

Imagine if Copernicus said he was not going to keep looking at the sky  and was going to stop telling others what he was concluding because it made some people, wrapped in the comfort of untested belief, a little uncomfortable. We would still be thinking the earth rather than the sun was the center of our solar system. Are you glad we know the difference?

Do we as human beings strive for comfort or knowledge? 

Well I suppose we want both...but because of our inherent need for growth and expansion...I would have to guess we would strive for knowledge over comfort.  That is of course, if fear is not in the way. 

What is fear? 

It is one of those  emotions that blocks the flow of energy through us and to us.  It is a hand up...when life starts sending things our way ...that says "Nope!  Take it back.  Don't want that!"   Fear is the thing that holds you back when you want to go exploring life, telling you there is too much "danger" in that adventure.  Fear is the manager of the limiting belief system in our minds that gets us holding onto the idea that we are limited, vulnerable, constantly at risk" so we work hard to build separation, defense and attack plans. Fear is the guard at the border crossing between knowledge and ignorance that refuses to open the gate.  Fear keeps us in the comfort zone and it keeps knowledge and expansion out.

The Voice within beyond Fear

Curiosity, desire, some little voice within us that will just not shut up...keeps us seeking more. I think that voice is within all of  us ...It is just stifled and repressed in too many of us. I believe most of us want knowledge but are afraid to "want", to ask, to explore the options because we are too afraid to leave our comfortable beliefs.

Is my vibration up?

Anyway...I said I was going to write about how I felt.  I have been trying to keep my vibration up with all kinds of little activities including affirmation meditations in the morning and evening; a video presentation of the things I "want" that I watch while I play the "I am " meditation music, yoga, walks in the woods, some productive act to appease my ego so it doesn't interfere with the a household task, submission  or a work related task; I pray; read lessons from ACIM; I stretch up as tall as I can whenever I think of it; I surround myself with pets; I listen to music; I eat wholesome delicious food and watch my water intake; we got away for a night which was much needed; I am creating here...doing what I love to do. 

So is my vibration up? is up but likely not up as high as I want it to go. So I am not manifesting...when I do not manifest...I tend to drop on the emotional energy scale just a bit.

What is it that I am trying to match anyway? 

I am not like many people when they visualize and use this law.  I am not looking for a fancy car or a big house.  I am not really looking for money...sure...I want to pay off my debts and take some of this pressure off my shoulders when it comes to "surviving" but I do not need a lot of money so that is not at the forefront of my wanting. 

What I want...what I really, really want is "wellness".  And I may have reached too high in the beginning of my testing this stuff out.  I chose something "big" in my life...probably the biggest focus on and I am coming from a place of being beaten down by this issue so it is a big reach for me. 

There seems to be a lot of obstacles and barriers...perceived "knock downs" from medicine, insurance companies , financial issues, physical limitations, fatigue and the stress of get through first.  What that does to one's ability to focus on the "wanting" is quite dramatic. It is not an impossible reach...oh is just while I am trying this out...I may have been better off choosing an issue that did not have such a large negative impact on my life...I should have started small. 

Changing the wanting

I am going to change my "wanting" a little bit.  I will definitely still want wellness and it will come but for now I will focus on something smaller...maybe the creation of a cleaner more manageable house; maybe a certain amount of money coming in; maybe a publication or at least some type of validation that I should be writing ...and from there I will build.  These things make me feel good.  I know I can achieve these things.  ...receive, not achieve...these things. I like the feeling I get when I think about walking in to a clean house...of being able to pay bills...of gaining readership and validation for my writing.  It feels good!  These things seem very possible.  I am not sure how yet...but they seem very possible to achieve. More importantly,  I feel good when I want these things.  I feel good right here and right now!  And that my dear reader is what it is all about!

All is well in my world. ...

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