Karma is not a moral dynamic. It serves humanity as an impersonal and Universal teacher of responsibility .
Gary Zukav, page 25
I like thinking of Karma as a teacher of responsibility. I like to believe we process through the circumstances we process through for a reason....that every painful circumstance has a purpose ...to teach us how to be accountable for our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. I like to believe we are not being judged as "good" or "bad" based on these things , that there is no "right" or "wrong",...just one wonderful learning opportunity after another. We are not being punished, we are simply being taught how to live wholesomely and skillfully with every opportunity for choice we have. This isn't personal either. "Little me" is not being judged and told to stand in the corner here.. It isn't, in fact, about "me" at all , it is about all of us and everything.
The soul which crosses many life times or dimensions, according to Zukav, is constantly learning from all these experiences simultaneously. And when my soul learns all of humanity is learning, healing, expanding and evolving.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What I put out there will come back to "me", as the personality the soul is incarnated in, because I need to "feel" and experience the effect of the energy I put out. We are constantly balancing energetic patterns so our souls can heal into wholeness.
It may feel to the personality or "little me" that Life is "unfair", that I or someone else is being bombarded with difficult and painful situations ....that some people are "evil" and some people are "good"...but those are judgments we need to refrain from making if we do not want to add to our karmic debt and create more imbalances that will have to re-balanced by more challenging learning.
In order to become whole, the soul must balance its energy. It must experience the effects that it has caused. Zukav,
Life knows what it is doing. If we could learn to see all circumstance as a lesson for the soul , and stop judging it and saying it "shouldn't be", would we not be happier. If we could work with this learning instead of against it by striving for compassion, non-judgement, and loving awareness would the world not be a better place to live in for all of us?
Hmm! All is well in my world.
Gary Zukav (1989/ 2014) The Seat of the Soul. New York: Simon and Schuster.
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