Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Healing With Compassion

If you have enough compassion you will not be overwhelmed by the collective energy of suffering all around us.

Thich Nhat Hanh

I am wondering if I have enough compassion because I am close to being overwhelmed by the suffering around me. Oh man it feels like my heart is breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking.  

I wanted to proceed differently with an external life circumstance I have been dealing with recently ...wanted myself and others to continuously see the essence beyond the actions, words and thoughts of another who was acting out so unconsciously and destructively.  I did...I wanted all to operate with that innocence in mind, in hope of a better consequence, while at the same time ensuring safety and wellness for all. I wanted there to be learning, growth and kindness, not punishment. I had a strong feeling we had to proceed a certain way, collecting our evidence, lining our ducks up in a row before warning and making it clear what consequences could follow. I then  wanted to offer the opportunity for choice making , giving those who needed it the opportunity to choose healing and true recovery over the alternative. I thought that would be best for all.    But in lining up our ducks that element of choice was taken away from the person who truly needs the  healing the most. The "system" and the well intentioned individuals within it took over and there will be punishment, harsh punishment. 

I tell myself "I didn't do anything wrong!" This was never mine but somehow I made it mine. Even though I too was a target, I was always only  in a supportive role, definitely hoping that the least punitive direction would be effective.   It was never my action to take or my choice to make but I knew I could influence. Did I influence enough or too much? When others suggested a particular action that wasn't  what I planned on...I agreed, thinking it could help  us in our ( my) plan  to gently but firmly help others to make choices that would be beneficial for ensure what happened would never happen again.  Much to our surprise, however, the power was taken from us  and because  I agreed to support this  particular action, I feel so guilty. We did not intend this. We did not want this for this matter what was thought, said or done.  I wanted healing, not more suffering!

Now I know what the statistics show about this type of thing.  I saw the often reported  pattern clearly from the beginning.  I knew how high risk it all was, how dangerous it could awful it was already!  But I also know in my core now...hating the hater is never the best approach to dealing with the collective energy of suffering. . The "hater" is each and every one of us...unconsciously suffering and acting out on that suffering, being led by what Eckhart Tolle refers to as "the pain body".  The "hater" is not who this person truly is. And this "acting out" is just evidence of the collective suffering energy that vibrates all around us and through us, all the time.  

There is so much suffering in this age group and it is so easy to be overwhelmed by it. So many are overwhelmed by it, conditioned to act out and project their pain, getting lost in it and as a result are unable to touch the seeds of compassion within themselves...But..but  those seeds are still there. I know that!  I honestly believe if we could approach such acting out  with compassion we would foster more compassion.  When we approach with hate, fear  and labels...we only see the need for punishment, and  foster more hate.  That is what I believe.

In order to stop individuals from acting out in their suffering we need to get to the roots of such suffering, the roots of collective suffering and re-channel that energy towards compassion, the seeds of which we all have in store consciousness.  We are all capable of compassion.  Beneath our hurting, our conditioning, our personalities is the essence of who we really are...and that Self is a compassionate, loving Self...not a hater. 

As Eckhart Tolle  says, Presence is always deeper than the personality.  We need to see the presence in ourselves and one another, no matter what we do.  This will both require compassion and it will also foster compassion.  It will lead to much needed healing in this world. 

All is well! 

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