Monday, March 21, 2022

"Help me to see!"

 Impulses, hunches and sudden insights, and subtle insights have assisted us on our paths since the origin of our species. That we have not recognized the guidance that has come to us in that way is a consequence of seeing reality through only five senses.

Gary Zukav ( wanted to write Zuvac lol) 

Do you honor and embrace these hunches and insights when you get them? Do you even notice them?  I try to. I believe that they come from a higher place and are guiding me even though I often do not feel deserving of them. 

Zukav tells us that in order to increase the awareness of this guidance we must first begin becoming aware of how we "feel". We need to look at our emotions as energy currents running through our systems often in a response or "reaction" to some external trigger.  They will lead us to some deeper wisdom if we trace them down to their roots. When we notice a feeling popping up; when we notice we are reacting, we need to  then ask "Why?"  "Why am I feeling this way?"  "Why does that bother me so much?"  etc etc Then we ask this guidance to help us to see. They will often guide us back to our core beliefs.  From there we can determine if we are seeing the situation through core beliefs based on Truth  that serve us, or core beliefs based on conditioned illusion that serve us not. 

I am in the process of looking at one aspect of my present Life and what I have been "reacting" to.  I am tracing my feelings of "disappointment, frustration, confusion and complacency " back to their source with the help of my internal guidance. I ask, "Help me to see this situation clearly so I can determine what is the best, most wholesome  path to take for all." 

We will see what happens.

All is Well!  

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