Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Brain in Your Gut

 Always trust your gut instinct.  It knows what your head hasn't yet figured out. 


My belly is suddenly twisting and turning. 

Okay...I am not so much worried as I am excited.  My daughter has yet to go into labour after her water broke...but  feel today is the day for some reason. She is in the hospital now,  cared for under the "expectant management" protocol. Up until now I was calm ( though worried until I knew she was admitted) and somewhat detached...I mean we have been texting and talking on the phone nonstop but I didn't get the sense that it was close to time. Now...after my last contact with her, however,  I  have butterflies in my belly like something is about to go down...I am not sure why. My mind is saying..."Nothing has changed woman! It could be days. Calm down and get detached again."   Yet...these butterflies will not settle.  They seem to know something my rational mind doesn't lol. 

Two Ways Of Thinking

It is so cool recognizing the distinction between the information we get from rational mind and that which we get from that inner wisdom we all have inside us. I am learning to more and more trust that inner wisdom over anything rationality can offer me. 

Do you trust your gut? 

What about you?  If you were in this situation, would you listen to that "gut" of yours that says "it will be soon,' or would you be more likely to listen to the mind ( as well as the voices of others who tell you such) that "it could be days"? Would you even notice that activation of intuition within you ? Or would you pass it off as gas lol? 

I have always had a strong, strong gut instinct , a literal visceral  reaction in my abdomen to certain places, people, and things, but the years of conditioning and being told to "ignore that silly nonsense" has led me to turn my back on it and pretend it didn't exist. Over the last few years, as I began this journey to understanding more, I have, however, began to notice it, listen to it and trust it like I never have before.  There is some type of intelligence  there.  

Why the Gut? 

Scientists are now saying that the gut is the  second brain of the body. It actually percieves and interprets information connected to and often seperate from the neurological system. 

A primal connection exists between our brain and our gut...The mind-gut connection is not just metaphorical.Our brain and gut are connected by an extensive network of neurons and a highway of chemicals that constantly provide feedback...That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach after looking at your post holiday credit card bill is a vivid example of the brain -gut connection at work. Your stressed and your gut knows it-immediately. (Sonneburg)

I am not saying that my gut can predict what will happen in the is just deducing and intepreting in a way my mind can't . It, being the  more primitive  of the two thinking styles: intuition vs rational, analytical thinking, means that it is often ignored by our over analytical minds. Yet its ancient and tried and tested  roots make it so it really should not be discounted.

It is time to stop the witch hunt on intuition, and see it for what it is: a fast, automatic and subconscious processing style, that can provide us with very useful information that deliberate analyzing can't. (The Conversation)

I may come here tomorrow with my head down and say ..."Awe that gut feeling was wrong.  I should not have trusted it."   I have a "funny feeling" that won't be the case though. Even if it gut is definitely telling me "rational" mind may just be interpreting its message incorrectly. Hmm! Let us see! 

All is well in my world!

Sonnenburg, J & E (May, 2015) Gut Feelings-The second Brain in Our Gastrointestinal Systems. on  Scientific American

The Conversation (May, 2018) Is it rational to trust your gut instincts: A neurologist Explains.

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