Friday, November 19, 2021

Letting It Be

 Stand firm in the seat of the witness and release the hold that  the habitual mind has on you. This is your life-reclaim it. 

Michael Singer

Thinking, reviewing and learning so much today, I don't know what to write about . Hmmm! 

I can start with a review, I suppose, of yesterday's entry, on Trauma.  I spoke of the benefit of changing our intention for trauma release to letting it be rather than letting it go.  If we strive to let all that buried pain and memory go at may become more of a struggle, a chore, than a release.  But if we simply let the triggered and emerging emotion, the thought, the visceral feeling  be as we  recognize it,  without automatcally attempting to push it down as we may be in the habit of doing, then  it becomes less of a struggle. There is a greater chance of healing.  

Michael Singer, in the below listed video, assures us that this old supressed and repressed stuff will gradually and systematically come out in layers if we let it.  If we start with the triggers right in front of us as they present themselves, we will feel the pulling out of old memory and pain .  If we sit with the discomfort of that one trigger  instead of slipping back into old ways of reacting and pushing it away...then we will release that pain and all similar pain on that level will be released as well.  Then we are ready for the next level of release and healing. 

It[the pain that needs release] comes up in the perfect learning platform as you are ready for each step,[if our highest intention in the long run is Self -realization]. Michael Singer (somewhat paraphrased)

If we could  just let the supressed and repressed stuff  be as it comes up  and we don't push it back down...we will eventually let go of our trauma pain. We just have to be willing to be comfortable with the uncomfortable while we heal, layer by layer. 

All is well.

Michael Singer/Sounds True (July, 2021) The Michael Singer Podcast: Your Highest Intention: Self-Realization.

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