They[most people] hold on too hard.and so take the life out of this transient, fragile thing that Life is. To have Life and to have its pleasure, you must at the same time let go of it.
Alan Watts
We need to let go of our need for permanence. The pleasurable does not last, nor is it supposed to. It will come into our experience and it will leave our experience. As it is meant to.
We actually turn pleasure into pain when we cling to that which we think will bring pleasure or that we believe will at least stop us from experiencing pain...we go against the natural grain. Nothing lasts! Putting all energy into attempting to make it last forever makes us miserable because it is an impossible mission.
The demand for permanence in every area of our existence is the cause for human misery. There is no such thing as permanence at all.
Alan Watts /Wiara (October, 2017) Let Go of Attachment
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