Friday, November 19, 2021

On Advertisement Logos


Intention is more than wishful thinking, -it is willful direction. 

Jennifer Williamson

Another thing I wanted to write about is how we are influenced culturally to believe and act on certain things.  I want to speak to how advertisement logos reflect and encourage certain beliefs and behaviours.

Today, I received a package from Amazon and in big bold letters there was a line on the box that read Caution: Contents May Cause Happiness. It was like , oh my goodness, no wonder why so many of us are clinging to materiality.  In order to get us to buy, sellers are luring us in with this very false promise.  "If you have this, you will be happy." They are telling us, as a reflection from our cultural tendencies, that happiness is caused by material things, by attaining and gaining more. Sigh!

  That made me kind of sad.  So many people buy into that promise and  are over buying and over spending in search for happiness that will never be found in a cardboard box. They open up the box, are excited and impressed for all of ten minutes maybe, then they need to go and order more so they can get another buzz. 

Then I seen this add as I was opening up to a youtube video. 

If you are not a smoker, don't start.  

If you are a smoker, quit.

If you can't quit, change. 

(Not sure of citing info for this...can't seem to find it) 

I like this for many reasons but mostly because I, from that ad,  serendipitously opened up to Michael Singer's video on intention and he referred to the intention to quite smoking throughout. 

In this little logo, the Healthcare System is not demanding or quilting you into stopping smoking, they are are telling you to change.  You can, according to Singer, change your intention and it is intention that determines your success or failure in this endeavour. 

If we intend to be a non smoker either by never starting or by quitting and we do not waver from that intention, we will not smoke. If we once intended to smoke we can change that intention to one where we do not smoke.  Intention is so powerful and so strong, it can keep us on the right path whether that path is one that takes us to a smoke free life or to the  Self realization.  (Of course, Self-realization is teh ultimate intention, is it not?)

All is well! 

Michael Singer/Sounds True (July, 2021) The Michael Singer Podcast: The Highest Intention: Self Realization.

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