Saturday, August 14, 2021

Calming the Lake's Surface so We Can See


Calming the Lake's Surface  So We Can See

The lake is meant to be still,

a crystal clear tool of vision

allowing us to peer down to 

the  treasure chest of 


hidden within its depth.

Yet these waters  

too often get disturbed by  

our endless wanting, 


not caring, 


 and doubting. 


like the dyes of a wreckless dexter,

spill onto the surface

in lovely streams 

of mesmerizing colours

that catch our eyes and 

prevent us  from seeing 

through the surface layer. 

We cannot see through Desire.

All the while, 

anger bubbles and boils  

in craters and cracks 

of stuffed memory.


volcanos of emotion, 

clustered  and tangled in knots 

erupt onto the surface,

creating foaming geisers 

that forcefully and noisliy distract

us from 

 what lay beneath.

We cannot see through Aversion.

In those pauses 

between eruptions

the water stills 

just long enough 

for sloth and apathy to creep 

across the surface, 

laying down a thick and slimy veil 

between what we see

and what is there.

We cannot see through Torpor.

Then the wind will blow

in mighty gusts 

stirring up the water,

making waves 

that thrash about 

like cunvulsing bodies.

Attention is taken 


from the stillness

within the lake's depth

 and  is laid 

on  restless

white capped tips 


We cannot see through 

restlessness and worry.

And skepticism 

like a trembling oar

is used to  reach deep

into core beliefs

stirring and  

scraping up the 

bottom's muddy silt 

until  the view

below the surface 

is clouded

with a chocolate murkiness.

We cannot see through Doubt. 

As tantalizing as they may be 

to look upon,

gently swoosh away 

the colours of Desire

that float on the surface of your mind, 

just enough at first

for you to catch a glimpse 

of what is beneath them.

Know that clear untainted vision

is what you truly  want.

Intend then to prevent more spillage,

to choose clarity over colour.

Next, reach down below 

the gushing, bubbling surface 

and into those dark craters.

Run your fingers along the plates

broken by life's many forces;

soothe the energy there with 

your observation and acceptance

until the geisers  

diminish and subside. 

Deactivate your emotional volcanos

for the quiet that awaits.

Use the nets of breath and determination 

to scoop up the growing algae

on the surface

of your mind, 

so you can see 

beneath sloth and Torpor

to truth and true motivaton. 

Scoop away your apathy.

Harness the wind

that blows through your mind,


use it well to create   the energy needed

to look beyond the restlessness

to the stillness that is always there. 

Remember that each wave is

 the still clear  lake it rests upon.

Put down your oar.

If you  do not disturb the mud

it will not  rise to the surface,

it will not hide the truth you long to know.

Faith will arise instead.

Just let the water be. 

Stir no more. 


© Dale-Lyn  August 2021

Inspired by the teachings in Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield ( 2001) Seeking the Heart of Wisdom. Shambala Classics: Colorado (Chapter 4: Difficulties and Hindrances, pages 44-56)

I am taking it beyond the cushion and into our approach to real life experiences. 

All is well. 

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